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Jackson's POV:

Jackson: Dylan.

Dylan looks up from his chart and looks at me.

Dylan: sup bro?
Jackson: I need to tell you something big.

I grab my best friend by his arm and drag him into a conference room.

Dylan: you alright bro?

I lock the door and shut the blinds before turning to Dylan.

Jackson: I have to tell you something big.
Dylan: okay.

I pull a box out of my pocket and show Dylan a ring.

Dylan: woah...

I'm finally going to ask Delilah to marry me.

Jackson: I'm ready to ask Lilah to marry me. She's the one bro, I've known that for a long time now. I want forever with her.
Dylan: wow. Congrats bro!

Dylan pulls me into a hug.

Dylan: I'm happy for you bro.
Jackson: I really hope she says yes.
Dylan: you kidding me? She's absolutely gonna say yes. She loves you more than anything.
Jackson: I couldn't imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else.
Dylan: have you talked to Derek or Sloan yet?
Jackson: I'm going to.
Dylan: good luck bro.

Dylan pats me on the back then I walk off to find Derek and Mark. Thankfully, I find them standing by a nurses station together.

Jackson: Derek, Mark. Can I have a word with you two?
Mark: what's up kid?

I was about to respond when Delilah walks up to us.

Delilah: hi!
Jackson: h-hi sweetie.
Delilah: dad, I have a question about one of our patients.
Jackson: I need to borrow your dad for a second sweetie. Is that okay?
Delilah: yeah sure. Come find me after?
Derek: I will sweetie
Delilah: I love you babe.
Jackson: love you more darling.

I kiss my girlfriend on the cheek before she runs off.

Mark: so, you want to talk to us?
Jackson: uh, yeah. Um... privately.
Derek: sure Avery. Follow us.

I follow Derek and Mark into an exam room then he locks the door and shuts the blinds.

Derek: is this something serious?
Jackson: it is. It's about Lilah.
Mark: is everything okay between you two?
Jackson: yeah, everything's fine. Um, I have something really important to talk about.

I take the ring out of my pocket and show it to Derek and Mark, making their eyes grow wide.

Derek: woah...
Mark: Avery, are you... is this real?
Jackson: it is. I've known for a long time now that Lilah is the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. I've never loved anyone as much as I love her. She's changed my life in the best way possible. She makes a better surgeon, and she makes me a better man. I'm ready for this, and I want your blessings. You're the two most important men in her life. She looks up to the both of you and loves you both more than anything else in the world so it would feel rude if I didn't ask for your blessings.

Mark and Derek look at each other than back at me.

Derek: Avery, I can't lie to you. I was hesitant about you when I first found out about you and Lilah. That's because I've seen my little girl heartbroken a few times before you came along. But... you've flipped my daughter's world upside down in the best way possible. I've never seen my daughter this happy before and my little girl's happiness is the most important thing in the world to me. If anyone's gonna marry my daughter, I'm glad that it's gonna be you. You have my blessing Avery.

I smile at my future father in-law as I pull him into a hug. I pull back then I look at Mark.

Jackson: Mark?
Mark: Avery, you know I like you. And I love how much you love my girl. I raised that girl. She's my whole life. She's been through hell and back to get to where she is now. She's the kindest, most beautiful woman I know and all I've ever wanted for her is to have her happily ever after. You changed my daughter's life Avery and if anyone deserves to marry my daughter, it's you.

I smile as Mark pulls me into a quick hug.

Jackson: thanks you guys, it means so much to me that I have your blessing.
Derek: we've always liked you Avery. You treat our daughter with respect and you love our daughter. You're good for her.

I smile at Derek and Mark.

Mark: have you talked to the twisted sisters yet?
Jackson: not yet. I'm gonna tell them today. Thanks guys.

I walk out of the room and I look for Callie next. I know that Callie and Delilah have a really close relationship since Lilah lost her best friend.

Jackson: Callie.
Callie: hey Avery. You alright?
Jackson: I have to tell you something.
Callie: what's up?
Jackson: I'm gonna ask Lilah to marry me.
Callie: really? Wow.
Jackson: I thought you should know considering you and Lilah are really close.
Callie: you're good for her Avery. You're the best thing that's ever happened to her. After she lost George, I was scared that she was never going to be the same again. I thought she was going to slip away, but you were the person to bring her back. You two are meant for each other Avery.
Jackson: thanks Callie.

Callie pats me on the back then walks off.


I had Derek distract Delilah during lunch so that I can talk to Meredith, Cristina, Alex, Lexie and Scotty. I find them sitting together and I join them.

Jackson: guys, we need to talk.
Cristina: Avery, where's your girlfriend?
Jackson: she's busy. Listen, I need to talk to you guys about something.

I take the ring out of my pocket and show it to them. Their eyes grow as wide as saucers.

Alex: woah.
Jackson: I thought you guys should know. I mean, you guys are her best friends. You're the most important people her life and you deserve to know.

Everyone exchanges looks with each other then looks back at me.

Alex: you're good Avery.
Meredith: after Lilah lost her best friend, we were scared she was going to slip away.
Cristina: baby Shepherd deserves to be happy. She's the glue that holds us all together. We'd be nothing without her.
Scotty: all I've ever wanted for my best friend is for her to find her happily ever after, and she finally has it with you.
Meredith: she's the best person we know. She deserves her happily ever after.

I smile at the group.

Jackson: thanks guys. I-I'm gonna ask her right after the boards, when we pass.
Alex: yes!! Pay up Yang and little Grey!!
Cristina: damn!!

Alex and Meredith fist bump as Lexie and Cristina give them fifty bucks each.

Jackson: you made bets?
Alex: Grey and I bet that you would propose after the boards. Yang here bet you would wait at least three months after, and little Grey bet six.
Jackson: wow.
Alex: point is, she's gonna say yes dude.
Jackson: thanks guys.
Meredith: have you talked to Derek yet?
Jackson: I did, Mark too. I have their blessings.
Meredith: if you need anyone's blessing, it's her grandmother's.
Cristina: oh yeah. And don't forget her aunt who is literally her best friend.
Jackson: I'm one step ahead of you. I got Amy's number from Derek earlier and I'm gonna call her.
Meredith: you're good for her. Lilah deserves her forever.
Alex: she's been through hell and she deserves to be happy.
Jackson: thanks guys.

They all smile at me in support as I walk away to call Delilah's grandmother and Amy.

There is no doubt in my mind that I am ready to spend the rest of my life with Delilah Catherine Shepherd, the love of my life... my soulmate.

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