Despite how angry I am at Meredith right now, her temporary custody of Zola was taken away due to all the drama that's happened between her and my dad. I comforted her and my dad after Zola was taken.
I walk up to the gang who was looking at the OR board.
Delilah: is it up?
Jackson: it's coming up right now.
Delilah: nothing on Zola?
Meredith: nope.Jackson hands me a cup of coffee then kisses my cheek, causing me to blush.
Dylan: wow, no coffee for your best friend? That's cool.
I chuckle at Dylan as I drink my coffee.
Jackson: unless you're my girlfriend, you're not getting coffee. Sorry bro.
Dylan: ouch.
Alex: it's up.I watch as the nurse starts writing names.
Cristina: OR 3. Yes! I love OR 3.
April: wait, bowel resection?
Delilah: I thought you had a Peds case today Ally.
Alex: I switched last minute.
April: you can't just switch.
Cristina: oh, Plastics. I thought you were the Gunther. Wasting all your capital on boob jobs, huh?
Delilah: okay, first off, Jackson and Dylan are doing cleft lips today. And second, Plastics isn't just boob jobs and butt lifts. Plastics is more badass than you think Cristina. Jackson and Dylan are going to change the life of two little kids today.
Jackson: my incredibly hot girlfriend is right. I mean, look at Kepner. She's fixing a bum knee.
Dylan: wow. Way to shoot for the stars kiddo. Really, super proud of you.I chuckle as I lean my head on Jackson's shoulder.
April: okay guys. Uh, you also start teaching skills labs today. I made up a schedule for the month. It's up on the board in my office.
Meredith: in your what?I take Jackson's hand then we follow April into the office.
Delilah: woah! Awesome.
Jackson: damn!
Dylan: wow.
Cristina: when did we get this?
April: uh, we didn't. It's for the Chief resident actually.
Alex: this is good. I can sleep on this.
Delilah: ooo, that looks comfy! Make room Alex.Alex scoots in and let's me lay down with him.
April: yeah, I got that on craigslist. It's– it's mine.
Meredith: we got a fridge?
Delilah: can you toss me a water bottle if there's any in there Mer?Meredith tosses me a bottle.
Cristina: uh, why is my name on this?
I walk over to Cristina and I see my name on the board in the office.
April: these are this month's intern skills labs.
I roll my eyes as I sit in between Mer and Alex then prop my feet on Alex's lap.
April: each of you has been given one skills lab to teach.
Cristina: no, I can't teach today. I'm on a mitral valve.
April: okay, well, then just switch with one of these guys.
Delilah: no can do Kep. Gonna be in surgery with Bailey today on Vivian Gallagher.
Jackson: Dylan and I have a baby's face.
Alex: bowel resection.
Meredith: aneurysm.
April: guys, come on. I-I-I-I divided these up fairly.
Jackson: you come on. Every surgery we do this year could end up on the oral boards.
Delilah: Jackson's right April. They love picking the crappy outcomes.
Cristina: this could affect which fellowship I get. I mean, it's not just life or death April. Now it's our careers.I sit on Jackson's lap as Jackson answers an email on his phone.
Meredith: okay, how about this. Whoever has the worst outcome today teaches all the skills labs for the whole month.
Cristina: that's good.
Alex: I'm in.
Delilah: I'm down for that.
Dylan: me too.
April: that's terrible.
Jackson: you guys get this email?
April: you know that's disgusting. No, no, no. There will be no wagering on patient outcomes. That– that– that's an order.
Alex: so you're out then?
April: you know, okay, just– everyone out of my office.

Stole My Heart ❤️ {A Jackson Avery love story}
FanfictionDelilah Shepherd. Daughter of the legendary neurosurgeon Dr. Derek Shepherd. Derek Shepherd became a single father at the young age of 14 and never looked back. From the moment Delilah was born, it was him and her against the world. Delilah moves wi...