Chapter 117:

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I'm sitting in a meeting with lawyers discussing the plane crash. Sitting in the room with me were my dad, Mer, Callie who was representing Arizona, and Owen who was representing Cristina.

Woman: Derek Shepherd– multiple hand fractures with a median nerve injury. Delilah Shepherd– third degree burns on left arm, permanent hearing damage to the left ear with resultant hearing implant and median nerve injury. Arizona Robbins– open femur fracture with resultant above knee amputation. Lexie Grey– deceased. Mark Sloan– deceased.

I blink away my tears at the mention of my deceased godfather. My dad takes his hand in mine in comfort.

Dad: how is– how is the investigation going?
Meredith: have they found what caused the crash?
Lawyer: the investigation could take years. That's why we want to help you put this tragedy behind you.
Woman: I think you mean, your clients would like to put it behind them.
Lawyer: so I am authorized at this time to propose a onetime settlement. Bayview Aeronautics takes your loss seriously...

The lawyer passes a paper to my dad and I look at it over his shoulder. When I look at it, my eyes widen.

Lawyer: now the settlement agreement must be unanimous, and it releases Bayview Aeronautics from any and all other claims known or unknown, but... most important, it will allow you to put this painful time behind you and move on with your lives.

I scoff at the lawyer as the paper goes around the table. No amount of money in the world will ever make me forget about the pain and suffering that I went through in those woods. No amount of money can take away the emptiness I feel. No amount of money can bring Mark or Lexie back.

After the meeting, I drive home to go to sleep. When I get home, I see Jackson fast asleep on the couch. He starts waking up and the second his eyes open, he sees me.

Jackson: hey sweetheart.
Delilah: hi.
Jackson: how was the meeting with the lawyers?
Delilah: I hated every minute of it.

I drop my bag and I lay on top of my fiancé.

Jackson: what happened?
Delilah: they think that they can give us a settlement to "put this painful moment behind us and move on".
Jackson: I'm really sorry baby.
Delilah: no amount of money can bring Mark back.

Jackson pulls me into his lap and hugs me tight.

Jackson: we should get some sleep honey.
Delilah: I'm not tired.
Jackson: come on sweetie. Let's lay down in bed.

Jackson picks me up bridal style and takes me to our room. He places me in his lap and plays with my hair. I start playing with the rings around my neck as tears roll down my face.

Delilah: I miss him.
Jackson: I know honey.

I bury my face into my fiancé's chest and start crying. Jackson runs his hand through my hair and lulls me to sleep.

-in the morning-

I'm sitting in the Attendings lounge with Bailey. Ever since the crash and Mark, we've grown a lot closer as friends. She checks on me every day and she's been really there for me. Alex comes in and kisses my head before walking over to the fridge. He decided to stay in Seattle instead of going to Hopkins, which made me happy because I honestly need him now more than ever. I see Mer enter the room from the corner of my eye.

Meredith: hey Alex. Why did an intern just give me a compliment on the crown mouldings in my empty house? Are you still sleeping there?
Alex: chicks like it better than the on-call room.
Meredith: okay, that's disgusting. Now I have to have the place tented. Give me back my key.
Alex: you don't even live there anymore. Why do you care?
Meredith: key. Please.
April: hey you guys.

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