Chapter 9:

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I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing making me groan.

Delilah: whoever's calling me before my alarm is in for a rude awakening.

I rub my eyes and check the phone ID. I let out another groan when I see Satan aka Addison calling me. I decline the call and get out of my warm bed to take a shower. After my shower, I get dressed, grab my things and drive to the hospital. As I pull into the parking lot, I get another call from Addison.

Delilah: god, take a hint why don't you!

I decline her call then walk into the hospital. I run into the locker room and change then I leave. I see George talking to Izzie so I bump his hip.

Delilah: hey!
George: hey.
Delilah: you alright Georgie? You look a little uncomfortable. Is it me?
George: what? No. God no! It could never be you D. I just... need to do a thing.

George speeds away and I look at Izzie confused.

Delilah: any idea what that's about?
Izzie: nope.
Delilah: hmm.

I text my dad to see where he is.

Text to: Coolest Dad Ever <3
Where r u right now?

Text from: Coolest Dad Ever <3
Watching Meredith and the Chief doing a surgery in the gallery. Come find me <3

Text to: Coolest Dad Ever <3
Kk :)

I run off to the gallery and I find my dad then sit next to him.

Delilah: found ya!
Dad: hey you. What's up?
Delilah: just got here not too long ago and Bailey hasn't assigned me to anything yet, so maybe I can stick with you today?
Dad: why not? I'll just tell Bailey I requested to have you on my service.
Delilah: okay.

I lean on my dad's shoulder as I watch the Chief. I start getting concerned when I see the Chief struggling to stitch up the colon.

Delilah: are you seeing that dad?
Dad: I am.
Delilah: hey, I'm gonna get some coffee and maybe walk around for a bit. You want anything?
Dad: I'm fine for now.
Delilah: I'll be back. If they finish before I get back, page me. Maybe we can talk to the Chief.
Dad: alright.

I run out of the gallery then run to the coffee cart and order some coffee. Once I had my coffee, I start walking around the hospital. I end up finding George by the lab.

Delilah: hey you! What's up?
George: h-hey D. Nothing.
Delilah: Georgie, you're acting strange. Are you okay?
George: I-I'm fine.
Delilah: you don't look—

Izzie pops around and drops something off at the lab.

Izzie: Franklin, Jordan, I need this back ASAP.
Lab Tech: what a shocker.
Izzie: hey, what did you get, something good?

Izzie grabs papers out of his hands and I read it along with Izzie.

Delilah: syphilis?
Izzie: that's not surgical. Who has syphilis?

George grabs Izzie and my arm and drags us into a nurse's station.

Izzie: you have syphilis?!
George: shh!
Delilah: oh my god George.

George shuts all the blinds and locks the door.

George: I don't know how this happened.
Izzie: of course you do. God, Olivia must really be getting around.
Delilah: Izzie!
George: Olivia, she's not like that.
Izzie: it's a new millennium George. The only people who aren't like that are the Amish and, apparently, you.
Delilah: Izzie!
George: you don't know. Maybe I've been sleeping around. Maybe I got ladies. Shut up. What am I gonna do?
Delilah: George, relax. All we need is a couple doses of Penicillin and you'll be fine in no time.
George: what am I gonna do about Olivia?
Izzie: well, for starters, stop sleeping with her, unless you want that thing to fall off.

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