Chapter 162:

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My dad is coming back to the hospital today and I can't lie, I'm a bit nervous about it. I haven't really spoken to my dad all that much since he came back. I love my dad, and I hate to be objective, but Mer is my best friend.

Anyways, I'm standing on the mezzanine with Mer and Maggie.

Maggie: so, he's just back?
Meredith: mm.
Maggie: for good?
Delilah: mhmm.
Maggie: okay. Mer, that face that you're making– I don't know you well enough to know what that means.
Meredith: you know those very happy, cheerful people who have everything and when the fact that they have everything comes up, they act very humble and they say, "I'm just so blessed". Those people– you want to punch those people in the face.
Maggie: yes. I do know those people.
Delilah: yeah. Hell, I'm pretty sure I'm one of them.
Meredith: yeah, I'm one of those people now.
Maggie: okay.
Meredith: this morning, I was standing on my porch of my perfect house looking in the window at my amazing, perfect children and my amazing, gorgeous husband, on the way to my amazing job. And I thought to myself, "I have everything I've ever wanted. I am just so blessed".
Maggie: I really want to pummel your face in right now.

I chuckle as I lean on the mezzanine.

Meredith: right. I would beat myself up. Except I'm too tired from—
Maggie: were you about to say that you're so exhausted from all the great sex you're having?
Delilah: I am literally standing right here dude.
Meredith: sorry Lilah. I am just so blessed.

I shudder at Meredith and drink my coffee.

Maggie: I'm gonna walk away from you now.
Delilah: me too.


I'm standing with Amy talking to a bunch of kids that have come for a school trip.

Delilah: I am the head of the department of neurosurgery, and my aunt Dr. Amelia Shepherd, is my co-head, and that means we operate on... brains.
Class: cool!
Amy: it's very cool actually, because we fix the big, squishy, slimy computer that runs your whole body.
Delilah: the brain goes, everything goes.
Dad: it is the coolest.

I look to my left and I see my dad standing next to me.

Webber: and, uh, this is Dr. Derek Shepherd, and he's a member of our board, and, um...
Dad: I'm her father, and her brother. I'm also a neurosurgeon. I work for them.
Boy: your daughter and sister are your bosses?

I chuckle at the boy and smirk at my dad.

Dad: my daughter and my sister are my bosses.
Webber: okay kids, uh, let's keep it moving. Uh, thank you doctors.
Delilah: of course.

I get a couple high five from some kids before they walk off.

Delilah: how hard was that for you to say?
Dad: rolls off the tongue. It's not gonna be like it was before. I'm not gonna angle for your job. I'm not gonna steal your patients. I just want to work.
Amy: you say that now, but I know you Derek. We know you. I know us. You grew up bossing me around, not to mention your daughter. I– we don't know if this can work.
Delilah: I'm sorry dad, but I agree with Ames. I love you, but I know how you are.
Dad: give me a chance, and I will show you.
Delilah: we don't have anything for you today. Amy and I are both clipping aneurysms later. We will let you know.

Amy and I start walking away.

Dad: you're not gonna make this fun, are you?
Amy: it's a lot for us.

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