Chapter 107:

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I'm walking through the halls with Scotty talking about random things.

Delilah: dad is working on an aneurysm today.
Scotty: you're not on his service today?
Delilah: I'm with Bailey today.

Just then, I get a page from Bailey.

Delilah: speak of the devil. I gotta go.

I run off to the room where I was paged.

Delilah: Bailey, you...

My eyes widen when I see the patient. The patient... was Louise O'Malley. My dead best friend's mom is in the hospital.

Delilah: oh my god... Louise.

I walk into the room and hug the woman. After George died, I tried my hardest to stay in contact with his mom to make sure she was okay, but it got harder to talk to her because she reminded me too much of George so I started distancing myself.

Louise: hi dear.

I didn't hesitate to grab the chart from Bailey.

Delilah: it says in your chart that you've had surgery three weeks ago at Seattle Pres for a gallbladder removal?
Louise: I've gone back there a couple of times, and they always tell me I'm fine and send me back home.
Delilah: of course they would. Lazy jackasses.
Bailey: uh, bring me a 20 gauge just in case, and Benzoin.
Delilah: and it is freezing in here. Have someone take care of that thermostat immediately.
Nurse: yes doctor.
Delilah: mama O'Malley, I'm gonna palpate your abdomen, and you let me know if you feel any sort of discomfort. Okay?
Louise: okay dear.

I smile at Louise before I start examining her.

Louise: the boys insisted I do my surgery somewhere else. After what happened here with Harold and...

I see Louise shift and groan in pain.

Louise: and Georgie...

Hearing his name broke me a little. I reach for my dog tag necklace with the ring on the chain.

Delilah: she's got some midepigastric tenderness. We should check that gallbladder. Have you been experiencing any fevers at all mama? Any pain, vomiting?
Louise: actually, I have.
Delilah: mama, those aren't good things.
Louise: I know, I'm sorry sweetheart. It's just that... look at you. You know how proud it makes me to have you as my doctor?
Delilah: thank you.

I take Louise's hand in mine and smile at her. Truthfully, I've missed her. It sucked distancing myself from her, but I hated being reminded of my dead best friend.

Bailey: Shepherd, let's get a CT, CBC, lytes, and a liver panel, and let's get another couple of blankets.
Louise: I kept hearing Georgie's voice saying, "mom, get a second opinion. Go to Seattle Grace, they'll take care of you."
Delilah: we will mama. We're going to take really good care of you, I swear. You're my priority today.
Louise: a doctor! You're all grown up.

Bailey leaves the room and I stay back a minute.

Delilah: I promise that we'll take really good care of you Louise.
Louise: Georgie would be really proud of you, you know. I know that he's smiling down at you right now.

I give the woman a smile as I felt tears well up in my eyes at the mention of my best friend. I reach for my necklace and show it to Louise.

Delilah: I gave this necklace to him the day he died. He gave me this ring that day too. These are the last things I ever had of him. I still have a saved voicemail in my phone from that day, from him. It was the last voicemail he ever sent me. I still have the last texts we ever exchanged.
Louise: he really loved you honey.
Delilah: there isn't a single day that goes by when I don't think about him.
Louise: you were so good to him.
Delilah: he was too good for me.

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