Chapter 135:

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Jackson and I are sitting in an on-call room going over paperwork and charts. Well, I am. Jackson had his head in my lap and was trying to get my attention.

Jackson: pay attention to meeeee!
Delilah: I have to correct all these mistakes that my dumb intern made in these damn charts.
Jackson: take a break for five minutes baby. Pleeeeease?

I look down at my husband who was looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

Delilah: fine. Five minutes.

I chuckle as Jackson sits up then places me on his lap and starts giving me kisses all over my face, causing me to giggle.

Jackson: I love you.
Delilah: I love you too.

I decided to lay down and Jackson starts playing with my hair. A couple minutes in, i hear the door open and I see Catherine walk in.

Mom: oh. Hi babies!
Delilah: hey mom.
Mom: I didn't mean to disturb you.
Delilah: it's okay mom.
Jackson: what's up mom?
Mom: I just wanted to find a pillow for Richard. What are you kids doing in here?
Delilah: I was going over some charts, fixing intern mistakes and your son has been begging for attention like a little baby.
Jackson: hey!

Catherine and I share a laugh. Then, my pager goes off.

Delilah: ooooh! Hang gliders trauma. Gotta go. Bye!

I give Jackson a kiss then I give Catherine a hug.

Delilah: come over for dinner tonight mom. You can spend time with the twins.
Mom: I would love that dear.

I kiss mom on the cheek then I run down to the ER and meet with Owen and Callie.

Delilah: you were paged about the hang glider?
Owen: mhmm.

When we walk in, we see April with the patient.

Delilah: talk to me Apes.
April: her name is Reese Woods, 22. Hang gliding over Tiger mountain, BP's 100/70, open tibia fracture, and complains of abdominal pain.
Donna: can I say, "I told you so", now Reese?
Callie: who's this?
April: oh, that's Donna, she's the sister.
Delilah: ah.
Reese: although she acts like my mother.
Donna: I'm not doing this again. I'm not watching you try to kill yourself.
Reese: it's just a little break. Don't be so mad.
Callie: okay, this isn't bone. This is a rod. When did you have this rod put in?
Donna: this March. She broke it heli-skiing in New Zealand. She's also broken, uh, both forearms, lost a kidney, dislocated her shoulder...
Callie: wow, you really do have a death wish, huh?
Reese: I guess I'm just making up for lost time.
Delilah: I see a lot of free fluid in Morrison's pouch.
Owen: we're gonna need to her her up to CT stat.


I'm walking around the hospital when Dylan catches me.

Dylan: so, my mom and dad are here for a case.
Delilah: really? That's awesome!
Dylan: they just caught me in an on-call room with Stephanie.

The second Dylan finishes his sentence, I couldn't help but bust out in laughter.

Delilah: oh... my god! Oh, you poor child.

I continue to laugh and I see Jackson approach us.

Delilah: baby. Baby, you're never going to believe what happened to Dylan!
Jackson: what?
Dylan: Lilah—
Delilah: his parents caught him and Edwards in an on-call room!

Jackson and I both bust out laughing, causing Dylan to glare at the both of us.

Dylan: I hate you both so much.

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