Chapter 40:

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I haven't spoken to Theo in a week and it's been killing me. He doesn't answer my calls and I've even gone to his house a couple times but he refuses to see me. I've been crying to Mer and Alex this entire time and they have been really helping me. I also called Scotty a couple times. I make it to the hospital and change into my scrubs then I walk around for a bit. As I'm walking along the mezzanine, I spot my dad in the distance talking to Izzie and Meredith. I walk up to my dad and give him a hug. I could sense that my dad was worried about me considering how I've been acting this past week but I haven't told him anything because I don't need him worrying about my boy problems.

Delilah: hey dad, hey Mer. Izzie! I'm so glad to see you back.
Izzie: can't leave my bosses side.

Since Izzie was back to working at the hospital, she's been put on probation due to the Denny situation. Suddenly, I hear a very familiar voice. I was about to turn around when I see my aunt Nancy walk up to us and stand right beside me.

Nancy: okay, the trailer sucks. But in the light of day, the land is nice. Seattle's pretty in the daylight. Plus, you have your thing for ferries.
Der&M: ferry boats.
Nancy: right, whatever. Oh, Delilah! My god, you're growing more and more by the second.
Dad: Meredith, this is my sister Nancy.
Delilah: also my aunt Nancy.
Meredith: sister? Aunt? You're one of Derek's sisters and Delilah's aunts?
Nancy: well, I knew you didn't think I was the wife, seeing as how you already ran her off.

I send my aunt Nancy a glare which shuts her up.

Dad: Nancy is visiting from Connecticut. She's on her way home... now. Straight back home.
Meredith: well, it was nice to meet you.
Nancy: okay...

I mouth 'I'm sorry' to Meredith before her and Izzie walk off. My dad grabs Nancy's arm and I follow them down the hallway.

Dad: that was just mean.
Delilah: why are you even here aunt Nancy? Dad, did she call you?
Dad: no. She was in the trailer this morning and she scared Meredith off.
Nancy: Kathleen called and asked me to find out why the slutty intern's panties were hanging on the bulletin board.
Delilah: that girl is my best friend so you better watch what you say next Nancy.
Dad: four sisters... four sisters and not one brother. Delilah has four aunts and no uncles. And you wonder why we don't call more.
Nancy: you can answer about the panties at any time.
Dad: Nance, it's good to see you. Really, great to have you here. But I have a job, you know? I have patients and so does Delilah.
Nancy: I have a mother with twins at 35 weeks... where is her OB?
Der&Del: her OB should be on a plane back to Connecticut where she belongs.
Nancy: okay, so we've covered the trailer. We still need to cover the slutty intern and the divorce.
Dad: you know what? You sound more and more like mom every day.
Nancy: take it back.

My dad kisses my forehead then walks into the elevator. Aunt Nancy looks at me then she follows me as I walk away.

Nancy: you missed out on Thanksgiving, Christmas too.
Delilah: well, I have a lot going on aunt Nancy.
Nancy: any boyfriend yet?
Delilah: my love life isn't your business aunt Nancy, I've told you that a billion times.
Nancy: you deserve a man who will take care of you.
Delilah: I don't need a man to take care of me. I'm an independent woman, I can take care of myself. I have patients to deal with Nancy so please leave me alone.

I walk away and make my way to the pit. I grab some charts then I start working on patients. I decided to spend most of my time in the pit to avoid seeing Nancy. I have as much of a relationship with her as my dad does with her, along with Kathleen and Liz. I love them but they can be very nosy and invasive.

3rd Person POV:

Later on in the day, we see Nancy Shepherd approach Alex after hearing George talk about the patient with two uteruses.

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