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Chapter Negative Six: The Guys

"So much for summer love and saying 'us.' 'Cause you weren't mine to lose."

~august by Taylor Swift~


Warnings: abuse, addiction, domestic violence, hospitals/medical things, homophobia, language, substance abuse, underage drinking, and other mature themes


Zion's POV

"He just left you?" Jess struggles to understand this whole Robby situation.

"That is a major red flag," Katie agrees.

"He doesn't seem like he'd do that," Reid tosses some popcorn to catch in his mouth.

"I know," I pout as I sit on the Evan's couch for our group movie night.

"An emergency must have come up," Brian points out.

"He still hasn't responded to my texts," I scroll through my short message history with the boy I like.

"But, a summer thing is no-strings, right?" Diego points out. 

Right, so now Brian and Diego are fine together and they're sharing the loveseat. I'm still debating if I like Diego or not.

"I'd still like to know if he's alive," I retort, not especially excited for Diego being here with his smart comments and personality that messes up the group dynamic.

"I can text his friends and see," Reid suggests.

"Are you insane?" I ask him.

"That'll make things worse, you idiot," Katie snaps at Reid.

"Oh, yeah, Kat? I'm the idiot?" Reid asks in a teasing tone.

"Sure are, Curly Fry," she grins.

"Curly Fry?" Jess asks with a laugh.

"His hair is curly like Arby's curly fries," Katie gestures.

"Oh my God, it is!" Brian exclaims with a smile.

"No, my name is not Curly Fry," Reid frowns.

"Rather you than me," Jess laughs, noting how similar their hair are.

"Curly Fry suits you," I tease Reid.

"Now you're all just being mean," he groans.

"We love you, Curly Fry," I sit by his feet.

"I'm just going to leave," he scoffs angrily.

"Good. Get the stench out of my house," Katie comments.

"You know what, Kat? I'm done with your quips," Reid turns to her.

Jess and I exchange a look, knowing all that's between them is sexual tension.

"Oh, like you don't pester me, too," she rolls her eyes. "Curly Fry."

"Call me that one more time, Katherine," Reid takes another step towards the blonde.

"Curly Fry," she smirks proudly. Reid is fuming and we all watch in silence. "What? No argument this time?"

Reid smirks at her while he says, "Truth or dare before the movie. You guys in?"

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