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Chapter Eleven: Strike Hard

"I keep a close watch on this heart of mine. I keep my eyes wide open all the time. I keep the ends out for the tie that binds. Because you're mine, I walk the line."

~Walk the Line by Halsey~


Revised: July 5, 2022

Warnings: abuse, domestic violence, sexual harassment/assault, language, violence, and other mature themes


Zion's POV

I'm taking the PSAT today and I have no clue what I'm doing. I don't care about this stuff; I've never been a good student. Eventually I just gave up on myself and focused on things like relationships, friendships, a social life, and hanging out with my dad before his time was up.

He always said it doesn't matter how well I did in school, but instead how I handled the real world. And I think my new friends would say I live up to that. I know I think so. I got out of that abusive home finally and I'm happy learning karate and hanging out with my... well, my Hawk.

I guess he never really asked me to be his girlfriend, but that's okay. Maybe he will eventually. I know that we trust and confide in each other. We wouldn't do anything to hurt the other and that makes me happy. I'm not one for pushing relationships too fast. My parents never had the best marriage, so it's nice to just be where I am with Hawk now.

I look around and see Miguel talking to Demetri rather than working on the test. I guess nobody takes this thing seriously. I look for the teacher and realize he isn't even in here. Class is almost over, thankfully. Then I can get out of here and get together with the group at the park - the group being Aisha, Hawk, Miguel, Demetri, Bert, and myself.

When the bell rings, I get up and walk out to follow Miguel and Demetri.

"Was that as painful for you guys as it was for me?" I ask them and Demetri shrugs.

"I don't know. I understood a lot of it," Demetri brags.

That figures. I turn to Miguel, but see he's suddenly kissing Sam; where did she come from?

"We'll, uh, meet you," Demetri states and I nod, walking with Demetri to find Hawk.

I pass Walker, Kyler, and their whole group. I glare at them and they glare at me, but Kyler is a coward and turns away. They know now not to mess with me.

"Hey," someone says. I turn to Hawk and smile, giving him a kiss.

Demetri coughs to get our attention.

"What?" I question.

"Not you guys, too. Between Miguel and Sam and you two, I feel lonelier than ever," he sighs.

"Just fix your appearance and you might have a shot," Hawk pats his best friend on the back.

"Come on, I need some real advice. Aren't girls driven to personality?" Demetri asks. "Like, you had Zion before you got the mohawk."

"It's Z," I correct him. "And yes, but we weren't acting on any feelings at that point."

"It's a way of life, man," Hawk says.

Suddenly a group of girls walks by, including Moon. She's in one of my classes. Moon and a few other girls look at Hawk flirtatiously and he gives them a nod. I grab his hand protectively. I know he won't stray, but him engaging worries me a bit. Especially since Moon is really pretty. But when he turns back to me and leans in for a kiss, I feel butterflies in my stomach.

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