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Chapter Negative Seven: Hiding

"Heartbeats, racing, tracing what it's been craving. I can't help but want it, don't know how to admit."

~warmer by Bea Miller~


Warnings: abuse, addiction, domestic violence, hospitals/medical things, homophobia, language, smut, substance abuse, underage drinking, and other mature themes

This chapter has a lot of smut, but also talks a bit about Robby's past so Zion can understand him, so I'd definitely read this one.


Zion's POV

Robby and I are once again not paying attention to the movie we chose. Well, I chose it. He settled for it and now we're making out on the couch.

His hand slides up my shorts while I yank his hair to pull him so close to me.

"You're so beautiful," he plants kisses down my neck and to my collarbone.

"Mmm," I moan in response, thoroughly enjoying the pleasure he's giving me. But, I feel like it may be his turn now.

He nibbles all around my sweet spot on my neck, causing me to shift my position to give him better access. 

Then, he loses his balance on me and accidentally rolls off the couch and to the floor.

He bursts out into laughter within a moment and I lean over to look at him.

"Are you okay?" I ask in concern.

"I'm great," he assures me, still collapsed on the ground. "Kind of hungry, though."

"Hungry?" I ask. "We just ate not long ago."

"I know, but what can I say? I'm a growing boy," he stands up with a charming smile I know I can't say no to.

"All right," I hold out my hand so he'll help me off the couch to stand up. "Let's go check the pantry."

We walk into the kitchen and I open the wooden door to reveal our stocked pantry.

"Wow, you actually have food," he says softly.

"Yeah," I say, wondering why that's so surprising.

"Usually I just have some stale cereal when I want a snack," he looks behind some cans of food.

"Oh," I frown. "Well, we may have some of that."

"I have no clue what to choose," he sighs, taking in the large amount of food.

"While you do that, I'll go grab some waters," I say and walk by him, bumping into him a little. I look down and realize I kind of hit his butt, "Sorry."

He nods as I move to the other side of the kitchen, but not before admiring his body, including his ass. He's just built so... perfectly.

I take the waters from the fridge and then turn back to see him bending over to look at the bottom of the pantry. I set the drinks down when I get an idea.

A/N: Smut begins here;)

I walk behind him, bringing my hands around his waist. He stands upright now as I press kisses onto his exposed neck, "Hi."

"Hey," he turns around to me with a smile.

"Find anything?" I ask and he shrugs. "Well, I was thinking... I want to repay you for the other night."

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