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Chapter Ten: Golf N' Stuff

"In my life there's been heartache and pain. I don't know if I can face it again. Can't stop now. I've traveled so far to change this lonely life. I wanna know what love is, I want you to show me."

~I Want to Know What Love Is by Foreigner~


Revised: July 4, 2022

Warnings: abuse, domestic violence, sexual harassment/assault, language, violence, and other mature themes


Zion's POV

The next day, I drive to Cobra Kai with Hawk. I feel kind of bad for Demetri because he wanted to meet up again, but we had to say no. We walk inside with our gis on and notice that we're probably the last people here; Sensei looks at everyone, shaking his head.

"No gis today." He surprises me. "Change out of them and get ready to walk over to that junkyard a few blocks away. We're training there today."

I share a look with Hawk and we just shrug and I take off my gi, revealing my tank top and leggings underneath. Aisha goes to the bathroom to change and Miguel and Hawk take off their gis, shirtless now.

Sensei Lawrence looks at me with a smile that urges me to walk over.

"Nice hair," Sensei says.

"Thank you, Sensei. I took what you said and applied it. I'm taking initiative of my own life and focusing on training and I'm ready to kick some ass," I say,

"Well, I can see your confidence is better now. You may just be on your way to top dog around here. Way to flip the script, Z," Sensei notes.

"Thank you, Sensei." All I want is to have some power and control of my life.

I walk back to Hawk and Miguel confidently. Miguel finally gets a good look at my hair.

"Woah, I like the hair," Miguel tells me. "It looks really good."

"Thanks," I smile. "So, how did your not-date with Sam go?"

"Oh, it was awesome," Miguel smiles.

"Dude, did you kiss her?" Hawk asks and I roll my eyes at the question. That's such a guy thing to ask.

"Yeah, we kissed," Miguel says almost shyly.

"That's awesome," I tell him.

"Nice," Hawk smirks.

"I'm proud of you already, Miggie," I tease him.

His eyes narrow at me, "Don't call me that, Z." I laugh and hide behind Hawk for an extra level of safety.

Aisha comes back out in her normal clothes and we begin to leave.

"It's a bit cold out, so grab your jackets if you have one," Sensei walks out.

"So, how is it with Hawk?" Aisha walks with me as Hawk and Miguel walk ahead.

"Well, I asked him out last night and he said yes."

"That is so great for you guys!" she exclaim.

"I just hope it goes well," I sigh.

"Well, you dyed your hair and it's basically complimenting his," she says. "Badass, by the way. But he also really likes you and you like him, I can tell. I think this is a match made in heaven."

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