A/N: Important

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Hi, everyone. I hope you're doing well. I have some bad news.

This is probably the hardest thing I've ever done because this account means everything to me. And, I love being on here and writing for you guys but life has been so weird recently that I have to take a step back from writing.

I don't know if I'll ever come back to finish Cold Hearted. I love it, but it's just not making me feel as happy as normal.

I have some stuff to figure out. This is goodbye for now.


Like I'd ever actually leave Zion's story unfinished lmao.

I do love you all, though. Looks like you're stuck with me.

Thank you for all the cute comments each update. It really motivates me to keep updating and create new ideas.

There's a lot left of this season since I'm packing in extra that the creators didn't wanna show us. Don't think I'm even close to done because then we have season 6!

Much love <333

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