Demetri's POV 1/?

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A/N: Hey there! I hope you're all doing well. Here's the first chapter of Demetri's POV. It's from season one of this book. The other seasons will be coming soon, don't worry.



"So, how's your first day of sophomore year been?" I walk with Eli to the cafeteria.

He shrugs with a frown on his face. Of course it's no different for us.

"Same here," I reply. "At the start of every year I always hope someone will be nice enough to talk to me, but I've already fallen into the social outcast archetype. I fear I'll never break free."

Eli only nods again. His attention drifts to the assholes of West Valley High themselves. Kyler and Brucks are blocking one of the entrances to the cafeteria. We can never get a break. His hand covers his lip as we look for an another way in.

"Watch this," Kyler calls over his shoulder as he steps closer to us.

Eli instinctively steps away from him, running into me with his elbow. I hold in my expression of pain as I try to help him away. I'd like just one day in school where it's not absolute hell.

"Hey, it's the freaky lip kid," Brucks follows Kyler and blocks our path.

I look down as they step closer. If we stay silent maybe they'll leave us alone.

"'Sup, geek," Kyler looks at me. Kyler moves closer to Eli, intentionally bumps into him, and smacks the books out of his hands. "Whoa, watch where you're going, shitlip." I hope that this will be over soon.

I let myself relax a little as they high-five and continue as they were, away from us. Then I see that Eli is on the verge of tears. So I pick up his books.

"Assholes," I mutter, unsure of how to be reassuring when I wasn't much help earlier. "Come on, let's just get into the cafeteria where the teachers are."

I know they're not helpful, but they're all we have in this messed up prison called school.

We each grab our lunch then go to our lunch table from last year. It's as empty as we left it.

I open my spork to eat as Eli just stares at his food.

I make conversation, "Do you think they switched applesauce brands or did the logo just change?" I glance down at the cup set on my tray.

Eli glances up as someone actually approaches us. It's some boy in a flannel who looks about as lost as we were freshman year.

"Is it cool if I sit here?" the boy actually speaks.

"Ooh, sorry. Table's really blowing up right now," I tell him. Eli smiles in my peripheral. "I can put you on the waitlist, but it's probably next semester at the earliest."

The boy frowns, "Okay." I watch as he shakes his head and walks away. Eli looks at me, signalling for me to cut the crap.

"No, I'm kidding, sit," I say, hopefully not too loudly.

"Zion!" the new kid's voice suddenly becomes louder and more excited when he calls to someone across the cafeteria.

I'm on the verge of trying to stop him from drawing attention to us before I see who he's calling to.

It's a girl with long brown hair and bright green eyes. She's beautiful even just from looking at us - well, the new boy- curiously. I wonder why he would call to someone as pretty as her or what she would want with us. 

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