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"You want a piece of me? You want a piece of me? I'm Miss Bad Media Karma. Another day, another drama."

~Piece of Me by Britney Spears~


Revised: July 7, 2024

A/N: Angsty update for my early birthday (it's Monday:)), and you know I love a good angst.

Warnings: abuse, addiction, anxiety, biphobia/homophobia, depression, domestic violence, gun violence, language, panic attacks, sexual harassment/assault/abuse, violence, weapons, and other mature themes


Tory's POV

Sensei Silver has me accompany him and many new senseis to a new dojo location. I hate to be here and to do this, but I know I have to try and play the good soldier like Sensei Kreese said. Piper and I haven't had time to devise a plan yet anyway. This is all I can do.

I feel awful that Mr. LaRusso got hurt, but now I feel even worse knowing that Z got hurt because of me. I know Z is strong and can handle it. Sometimes it seems easier to give up, but Piper reminds me not to. 

"Terry, so good to see you," the current owner of this dojo turns away from his students and to our owner.

My eyes meet Devon Lee's. She looks at me with a determined stare. She remembers me from the All Valley, too.

"I have a bittersweet announcement to make," their sensei begins. "Sensei Terry Silver has made me a very generous offer, and I'm proud to say Topanga Karate is under new management. We're thrilled to be part of the Cobra Kai family."

"Thank you, Sensei Rosenthal," Sensei Silver smirks. "I'm sure you're all wondering what this means for the future of your dojo. Yes, there will be some changes. All for the better. And, I hope you don't mind your dues getting cheaper." My eyes are fixed on him nervously. "You'll be given a new sensei. For today, Sensei Kim and Sensei Hyan-Woo."

The old sensei approaches Silver and whispers to him. My eyes drift for a moment - and land on Aisha?! I try to conceal my shock.

"Topanga Karate has spent the last few years taking losses left and right.  That ends today. My new senseis will be molding you all into winners, just like our own All Valley Champion, Tory Nichols."

I step forward on cue. I look away from Aisha as she looks at me wearily. I can tell she hates to see me here. I hate to see me here, too.

She continues to stare at Silver skeptically. "If you wanna be taught by the best of the best, step up and take a gi from Sensei Odell." A new sensei holds out a box with brand new Cobra Kai gis inside. "If you wanna quit, then at least take a complimentary thermos from Sensei Bacaria, as my gift to you."

I watch as all the students smile and form a line to get new gis. I want to stop them, but I know I cannot.

I see Aisha shake her head and go to grab her things. My heart pounds as Sensei Silver notices. Aisha walks towards the front door. She won't go silently; I know her.

"Please," my sensei stops her, "we hate to see you go, but at least take the thermos as a reminder that you always have a safe space at Cobra Kai."

"I know what Cobra Kai is about," Aisha addresses him, "but it isn't this. And it isn't lead by you. So keep your thermos."

She turns away and walks out the door, leaving the whole dojo stunned. 

I try to hide my smile as Sensei Silver tries to save face. 

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