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"Someone like me can be a real nightmare, completely aware, but I'd rather be a real nightmare than die unaware. Someone like me can be a real nightmare, completely aware, but I'm glad to be a real nightmare, so save me your prayers."

~Nightmare (Reprise) by Halsey~


A/N: An update??? *gasp*

When I tell you this is one of the mild chapters I've planned for this season...

Warnings: abuse, addiction, anxiety, biphobia/homophobia, depression, domestic violence, slight eating disorder, gun violence, language, panic attacks, sexual harassment/assault/abuse, violence, weapons, and other mature themes


Zion's POV

"Where are you going so early?" Shannon asks after I get out of the shower and find my keys. It's only eight am.

"To get a new phone, to job hunt. Everything adult," I say with a nervous smile as I grab my bag.

"Is Robby still asleep?" she asks me.

"Yeah. He needs the rest. I'll be back later," I tell her. He mentioned training me later today in some Miyagi-Do basics. Anything helps now that Cobra Kai is free.

"Do you want anything for breakfast?" she offers.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you," I tell her. She really is so great now that she's sober and making an effort with Robby.

"Okay. Good luck."

I get into my car. I have a small plan for a job and apartment. I typed up my resume yesterday and talked to Jai, Liv, and Eva. Since we haven't solidified anything regarding Robby's grandparents' plan, I have to be ready with a plan b.

There's a slight chance Liv and I will get a place together because she wants to get away from her homophobic parents as soon as possible; they didn't take well to her dating Jai. Plus, splitting rent will make a lot of things easier.

I walk into the big Tech Town store for my new phone first. It's been a hard week without it. I can't update anybody on anything unless I use Miguel or Robby's phone or my computer.

"Welcome to Tech Town. How can I assist you today?" someone with a pride pin and purple hair walks over to me.

"Hi, yeah, I need a new phone."

"Ah. We can help. We have a large variety of selection. Any idea what kind?" he asks.

"I had an iPhone X. I guess just anything I can make payments on," I say a little quieter.

"Okay. Let's see... You may qualify for insurance. Do you have an account with us?"

"Yeah," I tell him and he enters my phone number.

"Awesome. Zeeon," he says as he reads my name.

"Zion," I correct him.

"Sorry," he laughs to himself. "Okay. I have to ask: What happened to your old one?"

"Um... I broke and lost it in Mexico," I say in embarrassment.

"Hm." He studies me for a moment. "I don't think insurance covers it being lost or stolen, but if you tell me you dropped it in the shower right now, I can get you three hundred dollars off because that is covered."

I look at him in confusion. He seems serious. "Okay... I dropped it in the shower...?"

"Great!" he smiles. "It looks like you had an iPhone X, which means you can get a XIV for the same price. Let me get someone to help you out with that."

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