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"I've been through hell and back, yeah, honestly, it's all made me who I am. Holding onto wasted time. Gotta learn to let go in life. So, I think it's time to practice what I preach. Exorcise the demons inside me. Woah, gotta learn to let it go."

~ Learn To Let Go by Kesha~


A/N: I'm so sorry for being gone for three weeks. I'm in the process of moving, and it's a lot happening right now. I really enjoy writing and sharing with you guys. Thanks for sticking around <3

Hopefully 9k words makes up for it?

Warnings: abuse, addiction, anxiety, biphobia/homophobia, depression, domestic violence, gun violence, language, panic attacks, sexual harassment/assault/abuse, violence, weapons, and other mature themes


Zion's POV

Carmen smiles when she sees me at the dining room table early the next day, "Good morning, Zion."

"Good morning," I tell her as I look back at my empty notebook page.

I see that she's already in her scrubs for work. 

"I made eggs," I offer.

"Ooh," she says as she walks over to grab a plate. "Why are you up so early?"

"Johnny asked me to teach Cobra Kai lessons at practice tomorrow," I explain. "I'm trying to figure out what to teach."

"That sounds exciting," Carmen sits with me as she eats her eggs. "What do you have so far?"

I show her the notebook with a sad smile, "Nothing."

"Oh, well, I'm sure ideas will come to you. Are you excited to teach?" she wonders.

I hesitate and decide to be honest with her, "I'm more nervous. I've only ever taught a class once."

"Well, I know Johnny. If he asked you to do it, then he believes you are capable. I'm sure he's there for you if you need help," Carmen assures me. "I remember one of my finals for my radiologic tech degree being teaching new students about safety within the field. It was stressful, but I got through it. Give yourself grace."

"Thanks," I smile.

She scoops the rest of the eggs into her mouth. "These are good. You need to cook more often."

"I don't have karate today if you want me to make dinner," I tell her.

I feel horribly that I don't make food for us on a more regular basis. Usually either her or Yaya make something unless Miguel asks to order in, and I go with the flow. I should be doing more, though, since I'm staying here for free.

"I wasn't serious," Carmen assures me. "Mami is making some French dish a woman in her book club gave her a recipe for tonight." She lowers her voice, "Prepare for whatever that tastes like." She giggles.

"Okay, but I can another time, if you want," I say. I feel so guilty for note offering to do more, especially since she's pregnant. 

"I'll keep it in mind," she gives me a wink as she grabs her bag for work. "Have a good day, mija."

"You, too," I tell her as I take her dish to the sink to clean.

"And think more about what you want to do on your birthday and what you want for your birthday," she tells me quickly before walking out the door.

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