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Chapter Forty-Four: Revenge

"You should see me in a crown. Your silence is my favorite sound. Watch me make 'em bow one by one by one."

~You Should See Me in a Crown by Billie Eilish~


Revised: August 25, 2022

Warnings: abuse, addiction, anxiety, biphobia/homophobia, depression, domestic violence, slight eating disorder, langubage, panic attacks, sexual harassment/assault/abuse, violence, and other mature themes


Zion's POV

"I can do this," I whisper to myself as I drive down the main road in Reseda. "I can do this. Just go say hi or something. Maybe he'll be happy to see you."

I make it to the complex where the Diaz family lives and automatically feel the guilt rush over me for not being here. I also feel anxious because of how close I am to Janice's, but I beg myself to only focus on one problem at a time. Unfortunately, I'm not good at controlling that.

I park a little bit away from his apartment and find myself unable to move. I'm not mentally prepared for this.

It's been two weeks since the laser tag fight. Hawk and I haven't spoken more than ten words to each other since then. The Cobras are definitely all impacted by it. Tory, thankfully, is siding with me, as well as the four other guys. 

I'm still living in the dojo and working. I've fallen into a routine and rarely ever stray from it. I can feel the impact on my mental health of not interacting with Hawk. In some ways, I guess it's a good thing. In other ways, it's like losing another important person in my life again.

I have good and bad days, the latter being more common. I've found alcohol is good at relaxing me when I have late, sleepless nights with thoughts spiraling around and around. I know I can't make a habit out of it, though.

What Hawk said about me not going to see Miguel has been weighing on me and today is one of my good days, so I decide it best to try and talk to Miguel. He's coming back to school on Monday and I'd like to see him before then.

The only problem is I don't think he'll be happy to see me. He hasn't reached out, but to be fair neither have I. It kills me because he's like my brother... but at the same time I feel like I already lost him. If I manage to get him back, who's to say he won't leave again? Or, be taken away again, is more like it?

Suddenly, someone walks out of their apartment. It's Johnny Lawrence. I duck in my car and put on sunglasses, not wanting him to see me even though I'm on the other side of the parking lot. He looks like he's okay. But what he's done isn't okay. He abandoned me and Robby and Cobra Kai. He's weak and it fills me with anger to see him living his life like nothing happened.

He walks over to the Diaz's door and I watch as he knocks on it. I hope to see Miguel answer it, but instead I see Carmen. I miss her so much, even if she doesn't miss me. She was always so sweet and instantly took on the maternal role in my life for the short time I lived with them. I know I didn't show my appreciation a bunch, but Janice kind of messed up my relationship with mom-like figures. I don't blame Carmen for not reaching out to me, though. She's had a lot going on and I don't want to be more of a burden.

She lets my former sensei in and I frown. I saw a post where Miguel and Johnny were at a concert together on Instagram. It just added salt to the wound of me now knowing absolutely nothing about what's going on with Miguel. Why is Johnny back in Miguel's life? He's the one who screwed it up. He messed up Robby's life and now he's doing the same to Miguel. I can't go to see him now. I don't want to see Johnny and I honestly don't even want to see Carmen.

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