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"I'm falling on my knees. Forgive me, I'm a fucking fool. I'm begging, darling, please, absolve me of my sins, won't you?"

~Never Be Like You (feat. Kai) by Flume~


A/N: Ehehehehe.

Warnings: abuse, addiction, anxiety, biphobia/homophobia, depression, domestic violence, slight eating disorder, gun violence, language, panic attacks, sexual harassment/assault/abuse, violence, weapons, and other mature themes


I wake up with a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. I feel safe, I feel content, and I feel like I never want to get up.

I look around and see my arms are wrapped around a sleeping Robby. I smile to myself.

I don't remember getting into bed. I don't remember much of last night. 

I nuzzle my head above his as he breathes in and out slowly. He looks so peaceful for once.

I close my eyes and try to sleep again. 

My eyes open and my body involuntarily jolts for a moment when I remember what happened. 

I roll away from Robby guiltily. 

I slowly and quietly get up, get dressed, and grab my phone. I have so many missed messages.

Jai to feminicons: Z, you still comin?

Liv to feminicons: Zion? Are you okay?

I curse under my breath when I realize that I forgot about our night together. I was so caught up in myself that I forgot.

Zion to feminicons: Is it cool for me to join you guys now?

I walk out to my car, quietly passing by Shannon's room. It's only four am.

Something waves in the wind on my windshield as I start the car. I get out and grab it before getting back in my car and locking the doors.

I unfold the newspaper clipping and within is the article:

Former Sensei and Verteran Has Trial Today.

A red circle was drawn around Stingray's head as he testifies at the hearing for Kreese. Below the word "LIAR" is written. On the side beside Kreese, it says "INNOCENT."

I tear up the paper and throw it into my backseat for a later problem. I can't deal with seeing Kreese or any of his bullshit right now.


"Hey," Eva opens the door for me. "Is everything all right?"

"What are you doing up?" I ask as I walk into her gigantic house half-awake.

"I'm an insomniac," she reminds me. "Why are you up so early?"

"It's a long story."

She leads me up to the bonus room where Jai and Liv cuddle on the sofa bed; they're dead asleep.

"Aw," I say softly.

"They're gross, right?" Eva asks me with a smile. "Anyway, let's go to my room. You can tell me what's up there."

I follow her down the hall. We walk past empty bedroom after empty bedroom. I almost forgot about her parents never being home; it must be lonely.

"Here," she hands me a big frog Squishmallow, "he'll help you with the hard parts."

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