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"I've been under scrutiny. You handle it beautifully. All this shit is new to me. I feel a lavender haze creeping up on me. So real, I'm damned if I do give a damn what people say."

~Lavender Haze by Taylor Swift~


Warnings: All of the above.

A/N: The chapter of the ride back featuring Miguel and Robby talking is here ahhhhh. It was so fun to write.


I walk cautiously back to the car from the random gas station bathroom Johnny stopped at. It's much smaller than the other one, but I have my knife at all times.

"Hey," I walk over to Miguel nervously as he leans on the side of the van, "how're you holding up?"

His eyes are spacey; he's not focused on anything in particular. "I just saw my dad get shot, maybe even die. Right in front of my eyes."

"I know... I'm so sorry," I offer.

He finally turns to look at me and I see that his eyes are red, "I really thought this would make everything better, but I've made everything worse and it's at the cost of you being hurt, too."

"We made it out alive. That's what matters," I assure him and pull him into a hug.

"Who wants to live like this, though?" he asks as he hugs me tightly.

I watch as Johnny finishes pumping gas as Miguel stays frozen in my arms.

"We can get through it together. I know we can," I say as I remember all the times he's helped me in the past.

Robby walks beside us to get into the backseat and I feel Miguel perk up. He pulls out of the hug and wipes his tears inconspicuously before fully focusing on Robby.

"What are you doing?" Miguel questions him as he gets buckled in.

I look at Miguel in question as Robby replies, "I figured we could switch out. You can have the front."

"I want to be in the backseat with Z," Miguel argues.

"Me too. Like I said, we can switch."

"Really, you two? Don't argue over this," Johnny speaks up from the front seat in disappointment before I can. "It's been a hard day for all of us."

"I don't wanna fight," Miguel shakes his head. "Not now, at least. I just want to sit with Zion."

I smile at him slightly as I think about how nice it is for me to be here for him now.

"Robby...?" I look at him for a sense of sympathy for Miguel.

My boyfriend unbuckles and glares slightly at Miguel before getting into the front seat. Then, Miguel and I get in.

This trip is significantly harder now that I have no phone and we don't feel comfortable talking so the silence eats us alive.

As if he reads my mind, Johnny puts in a CD and we pull back onto the highway. Guns N' Roses blasts through the car.

Cold Hearted ⭒ Cobra KaiWhere stories live. Discover now