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Chapter Thirty-Two: Defeat

"It's a cruel, cruel summer, leaving me here on my own. It's a cruel, cruel summer. Now you're gone. You're not the only one."

~Cruel Summer by Kari Kimmel (originally by Bananarama)~


Revised: July 16, 2022

Warnings: abuse, anxiety, depression, domestic violence, language, panic attacks, sexual harassment/assault, violence, and other mature themes


Zion's POV

The next day I wake up on the Diaz's couch. I know I'm very hungover before I can even sit up, the world spins. I look at the clock and see it's about nine am. Carmen probably already left for work and I assume Miguel is still sleeping, as is his Yaya. She sleeps a lot.

When I finally convince myself to sit up fully, my ankle practically screams out in pain. I must have messed it up a bunch more last night. I reach over to touch it and see that it's not as swollen as it had been, which I guess is a good sign. It has a nasty bruise, though, that's turning purple and yellow and green.

Everything from the night before comes back to me: the trio of assholes, Miguel defending me, the drinks, the pervert who grabbed me, Hawk and I kissing, Hawk and I fighting right after and basically solidifying the breakup, Demetri being a bitch by saying that shit about Hawk, and also Robby caring about me still. A lot went down and I still don't know how to process it.

"You're awake," Miguel walks in and I nod. I passed out and - thankfully - had a dreamless sleep. "How's your hangover?"


"Same here. I found this hangover cure online we can try," he makes his way to the kitchen. "Have you heard from Tory?"

"No, I actually haven't. Where'd she disappear to last night?" I ask.

"I don't know, but I'm really worried the cops got to her or something. Do you mind texting her for me? Maybe she'll respond to you," Miguel asks. That's worrisome.

"Sure," I grab my phone and type a text to Tory. 

Z to Tory: Hey, checking in on you after last night. I hope the cops didn't catch you lmao

"Okay, done," I say.

Miguel brings over some cups for us and sits down beside me. "Thank you," he says. "Can you believe we start school tomorrow?"

"Oh, yeah. I keep forgetting. I'm sad summer is going to end," I admit and take a sip of the hangover cure.

"Me too," he responds.

The liquid hits my tongue and I spit it back into the cup immediately, gagging.

"Ew! What the hell did you put in that?" I ask.

"Water, orange juice, milk, and cough syrup," Miguel says, obviously not thinking too highly of the mixture he made.

"What? Why? Water is the only thing you mentioned that will do us any good," I reach over to my bag and get a stick of gum to wash the taste out of my mouth; I may puke.

"I thought it was weird, but that's what it said online," Miguel frowns and accepts the stick of gum I hold out for him.

"Because you should always trust everything the internet tells you," I tease.

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