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Chapter Negative Fourteen: Dead

"I should've asked you questions. I should've asked you how to be ...'cause every scrap of you would be taken from me."

~marjorie by Taylor Swift~


A/N: Hi! This is a long chapter of 7k words and I hope you don't mind reading the whole, depressing chapter. I won't lie, Zion takes hit after hit in this one and it mainly focuses on death. Still, it's an emotional chapter with high importance to the story and I put so much into writing it. So, in some weird way, enjoy!

Additionally, I added Amy Adams in the face claims for Aunt Cassie:)

Warnings: abuse, addiction, homophobia, death, domestic violence, hospitals/medical, language, substance abuse, slightly suicidal thoughts, and other mature themes

I'm here for anything you may need or you can call someone you trust or a hotline for help. Remember that you are worth fighting for. I love you all so much.


Zion's POV

Flashback begin.

"Zion, could you come here?" my dad calls me. I walk into the living room to see my dad sitting down and looking upset.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Take a seat," he says.

Is this about my grades? He knows I try for him, even though I have no interest in doing well in school. I thought Cs were good.

"I have something to tell you."

No, this is worse than grades. Something is seriously wrong. Is it something to do with my mom? Did she get drunk and put in a holding cell again? 

I want you to remember this doesn't automatically mean the worst and I can fight it."

"Fight what?" I ask in confusion.

"Zion," my dad begins with a sad look on his face, "I have cancer."

Panic courses through my veins and I subconsciously start digging my fingernails into the palm of my hand, "What?"

"It's colon cancer, but I'm only in the first stage. The doctor thinks I can fight it," he says, obviously trying not to freak out too much in front of me.

"He thinks you can? Everyone I know who has had cancer didn't make it," I say quietly.

"I will be the first one to survive it, then. But I can't do this alone. I need you to be there with me, Zion, to help me out," my dad says and I nod.

"Of course. Anything I can do to help," I assure him.

Flashback end.

I sit with my head in my hands as I anxiously wait outside the room. They won't let me in because I'm a minor.

That's my dad in there, but nobody seems to care.

I can feel tears wanting to escape their ducts and help me collapse; I have to stay strong for him. Because then he'll stay alive... He has to.

"Hi, darling," Nurse Vera walks out of the room and closes it behind her.

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