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Chapter Twenty-One: Tory Nichols

"My persuasion can build a nation. Endless power with our love we can devour. You'll do anything for me. Who run the world? Girls."

~Run the World (Girls) by Beyoncé~ 


Revised: July 10, 2022

Warnings: abuse, domestic violence, sexual harassment/assault, language, violence, and other mature themes


Zion's POV

Zion to Robby: Hey, I'm sorry about Valley Fest. It wasn't my call. Can you forgive me?

I text Robby when I wake up the day after Valley Fest to apologize. He seemed pretty mad after last night. I can't blame him, but he should be on his dad's team. I've heard him say awful things about his dad, but the Sensei Johnny Lawrence I know is better than that; a person can change, right?

I'm torn between these two now.

I debate if I should wear my new jewelry, but decide against it for Cobra Kai purposes; I wouldn't want them to get lost.

I walk out of my room and to the bathroom to get ready. We have Cobra Kai again today. I brush through my hair that is now a weird mix of the lavender and bleach blonde. I need to do something about this soon. I put it up and into a tight bun, ready for the day. I wash my face and brush my teeth when Hawk knocks on the doorframe. I left the door open in case somebody needed to brush their teeth, too. He's already dressed and gelled for the day.

"Morning," he says. The toothbrush is in my mouth so my response comes out as,

"Morwnin'." He laughs and I spit politely and rinse my mouth. "I meant 'morning.'"

"Yeah, I figured," Hawk says. "My dad is leaving in a few minutes. He wanted to say goodbye to you."

"Okay," I nod and follow him down to the front door where his dad waits with his luggage.

He wraps Hawk in a hug. Then, Paul holds out his hand for me to shake and surprises me by bringing me in for a hug; I'm not much of a hug person unless I know them very well, but I still accept it. After all, I'm staying here for free.

"It was very nice to meet you, Z."

"It was good to meet you, too, Paul," I smile.

"Stay out of trouble, Hawk," he teases his son who I know has never really been in trouble with anybody before; Eli certainly didn't and Hawk was only violent at the tournament. "I love you."

"Love you, too, Dad," Hawk nods.

"Have a safe trip," Mrs. Moskowitz hugs him and they kiss.

Hawk and I look away in disgust and once they're done, he gives Hawk one last fist bump and then walks out.

"So, what do you two have planned today?"

"Cobra Kai," Hawk says.

"I should have known," she smiles. "Have a good day." I see her grab her things, surely going to work again.

"You, too," I say and she nods, walking out the door after her husband.


"You gotta understand that Mogadishu in the nineties was a hellhole," Mr. Kreese is telling us about his time in the service. It's fascinating. "Warlords controlled whole swaths of the city. My team and I were charged with cleaning the place up."

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