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Chapter Eighty-One: End Game

"I can't let you go, your hand print's on my soul. It's like your eyes are liquor; it's like your body is gold. You've been calling my bluff on all my usual tricks, so here's the truth from my red lips."

~End Game by Taylor Swift ft. Ed Sheeran and Future~


Revised: July 6, 2024

Warnings: abuse, addiction, anxiety, biphobia/homophobia, depression, domestic violence, slight eating disorder, language, panic attacks, sexual harassment/assault/abuse, violence, and other mature themes

A/N: This is THE chapter.

For shits and giggles, one last time: Elion or Zobby?

Please, please, please don't leave hate if this doesn't go the way you planned or hoped for. This is my final decision after months of being unsure, so know that it hurts me as much as you, if not more.

Okay, well, enjoy; )


Zion's POV

"Oh, Zion," Carmen says as she hugs me.

We happily hold the embrace for a minute. It feels nice. I feel like I didn't appreciate her enough before.

We break from the hug and I stand between her, Johnny, and Yaya as Miguel is being examined in the room next to us.

Yaya speaks in Spanish and I translate something to the effect of, "We are happy to have you back from the dark side, Zion."

"Gracias," I give her a little hug.

"I'm sorry we let you down, mi hija. We should have been there for you months ago," Carmen apologizes.

"It was my fault for pushing all of you away," I admit. "I was scared."

"We should have been your guidance," Johnny joins in.

I smile at him and then at the couple and then at the approving look Yaya gives them. Them being together is growing on me, but I'll kill Johnny if he hurts sweet Carmen.

Miguel's door opens and the medic lets us all in. I walk in behind the adults timidly since I still feel a bit out of place.

"Good news. Looks like its just a pulled muscle. It may ache for a bit, but you'll be fine," the medic assures all of us.

Miguel still looks nervous as Carmen and all of us sigh in relief, "Oh, thank God."

"So, does that mean that I can keep fighting?" Miguel asks in a tone that almost sounds like he doesn't want to keep fighting. I don't think anybody else notices, though.

"They've given you thirty minutes to recover, so let the pain guide you," the medic answers. "If it's telling you to sit this one out, I'd listen. I'll get you an ice pack."

"Thank you," Miguel looks down as she walks out. He looks at me, "Come here."

I smile and rush to his side. He pulls me in for a side hug and I gently touch him.

"I'm not going to break. Come on," he tightens the hug.

"I was so worried," I admit softly.

"How's it feel now?" Johnny breaks us away from each other.

"Not bad. Just a little sore," he responds.

"Miggie, you don't have to continue," Carmen assures him.

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