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"Tropical the island breeze. All of nature wild and free. This is where I long to be: la Isla bonita."

~La Isla Bonita by Madonna~


*will add GIF at the top later*

Warnings: abuse, addiction, anxiety, biphobia/homophobia, depression, domestic violence, slight eating disorder, gun violence, language, panic attacks, sexual harassment/assault/abuse, violence, weapons, and other mature themes


Zion's POV

"How did you sleep?" Hector asks us on our ride to our first stop: the Coyoacan Market.

Miguel skips over the details of our long conversations and my nightmare and instead answers, "Fine."

"That's good. Today is full of adventure and you need energy for tonight when we go to El Hoyo Verde. No guns this time, I hope," Hector laughs to himself.

I tense a little. I hope Miguel has service now.

"Mercado Coyoacan is a tight space for lots of shoppers so be prepared to split up there. I'll show you where we can meet back up in a few hours, though," he assures us.

Miguel nods as I offer a, "Thanks."

"I really hope Luis doesn't become as obsessed with his technology as you are right now," he laughs.

Miguel puts down his phone like a kid being scolded.

"My, uh, my mom is checking on me," Miguel explains. I look at him in concern as he mentions her, but Hector breezes over it.

"You mean, your mother?" the man waves his finger between us as he pulls into a parking lot.

Miguel's mouth hangs open as he hesitates. I speak up, "We... We're not actually blood related. I'm adopted."

"Oh," Hector smiles, "that explains so much. You should have led with that. You two look nothing alike." He parks and gets out of the car.

I get out, too, and look around at the beautiful scenery. Mexico really is so beautiful; I like it here.

"Here," Miguel hands me his phone. "Don't lose it."

"Shouldn't you keep it?" I ask.

"Robby responded to you," he prompts me to check it.

"They're okay?" I ask hopefully as I unlock the phone.

"Sounds like it," Miguel nods.

We walk toward the market and I already feel a bit overwhelmed by the crowd. Miguel stays close to me as we follow Hector and I search for the texts.

"I'll admit, it's mainly a place for fruits and vegetables and plants," he adds as we walk in the entryway, "but it's really something I think everyone should experience. Maria comes here for groceries pretty often."

Robby to Miguel's phone: So glad your okay. My dad and I are at some cheap motel for the night, safe too. Van got towed so we are going to some market later for money to get it back. Remember that Hector is dangerous. Love you, too. Keep us updated if you go somewhere else

"Zion, you can't just disappear like that," Miguel rushes over to me.

"I'm texting Robby," I tell him as I begin to type out my response.

"Of course," he frowns. "Okay, do it later. It's busy and my dad is way ahead of us waiting. He's going to show us where we can meet up if we really do get lost."

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