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Chapter Twenty-Four: Forever

"And I meant every word I said. When I said that I love you, I meant that I love you forever. And I'm gonna keep on lovin' you 'cause it's the only thing I wanna do. I don't wanna sleep; I just wanna keep on lovin' you."

~Keep On Loving You by R.E.O. Speedwagon~


Revised: July 12, 2022

Warnings: abuse, domestic violence, sexual harassment/assault, language, violence, and other mature themes


Zion's POV

I've been staying with Miguel for the past few days. Carmen, his mom, is so sweet and insisted I stay as long as I want. I've been on Miguel's couch -I insisted Miguel take his bed back - ever since I moved in. I need to find another place to go at some point, though. It's only a matter of time before something goes wrong here and I'm forced out again.

I had to assure Tory he's just my best friend; she's a little jealous, but she trusts me and Miguel. I really want them to work out.

I still meet up with Hawk, of course, but it's been less because he has to sneak around his mom. He's been pissed at her and Demetri ever since that night, but of course I don't blame him.

I asked him if he knew anything about the Medal of Honor. If I can find out who did it, maybe I'll be able to explain it to Robby over lots of milkshakes.

Hawk said he had no idea because he was at Cobra Kai all night. I felt like maybe Hawk was lying, but then I remembered Hawk wouldn't lie to me. So, I believe him and I wonder who in Cobra Kai would have done it.

Additionally, Carmen is kind enough to make me more food than I could ever want, but she isn't as rich as the Moskowitz household. I have to buy little necessities for myself now and that's fine, but my karate money is diminishing quickly. There's no way for me to get a job without Janice's permission since I'm not eighteen yet and I won't reach out to her for anything ever again.

Today is payday for the week and I walk into Sensei Lawrence's office hoping to explain my dilemma to him.

"Sensei?" I ask when I walk in.

"Yes, Z?" he asks as he drinks his beer and taps on his computer aimlessly.

"I had a question about payment," I say.

"I don't do that Volvo stuff. Cash is much easier," he says and I shake my head.

"Volvo?" I ask in question. "Oh! You mean Venmo."

"Yeah, I don't take that, either," he says and I smile a little.

"No, Sensei, I actually-"

"I accept checks and card, too," he says.

"Sensei, I don't have any money," I say. He looks up at me in confusion.

"What do you mean?" he asks me and I shift uncomfortably.

"I-I was getting funded to be here by Hawk's mom," I explain slowly.

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