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"I guess I'm mastering the art of starting over... New beginnings can be lonely. Thank God I got me to hold me."

~The Art of Starting Over by Demi Lovato~


A/N: I edited this while high so who knows what I'll wake up to tomorrow idk.

Warnings: abuse, addiction, anxiety, biphobia/homophobia, depression, domestic violence, gun violence, language, panic attacks, sexual harassment/assault/abuse, violence, weapons, and other mature themes


Zion's POV

"You want to do what?" Liv sits across from me at lunch with Jai and Eva.

I'm finally getting the chance to work things out with them. Well, as long as they listen. I apologized, and they forgave me and vice versa. Now it's my turn to talk more.

"Practice gymnastics or some shit. You don't need more karate," Jai frowns.

"I hate how I left it, how everything went down. I lost the tournament, lost sight of myself-"

"And you think channeling the karate gods again is going to save you?" they ponder.

"No, I just think that maybe it's a way to prove to Silver and Kreese that-"

"You don't need to prove anything to those pasty, old, wrinkled white dudes," Jai says.

I narrow my eyes at them in frustration, "Silver thinks Cobra Kai can take over The Valley easily. He's already expanding. Kids all over are getting hurt because of Silver. Or, they're turning into bullies. I can't sit by and watch this happen. So, yeah, I'd like you to tell me that this isn't some insane idea-"

"This is some insane idea, Zion," Eva shakes her head.

Liv nods, "If you don't learn from the universe, it's going to come back and remind you again and again until you listen."

"I have to take a stand. I want to show people that they can't break me. Shawn included. This isn't just for me," I argue.

"But, shouldn't your health factor into this a little bit?" Eva frowns.

"My bruises are almost fully gone, I'm seeing a therapist, I'm eating right, I've been working out. Karate is something I really love. I'm finding it again in a new way with Daniel. I want to be excited by it again, but that can't happen if Silver is monopolizing it."

"I understand, but what about when you go back into a dojo and have those panic attacks again?" Liv asks in concern. "I hate seeing you like that. I don't want you to go back to-"

"I won't let myself go back to that. Neither will the people that care about me," I state. I look at the trio, "Right?"

"Right," Liv takes my hand.

"We'll help the right way this time," Jai assures me. "We're proud of you."

Eva looks at me skeptically, "I still think this is a bad idea, but I'll support you. Just know when to stop." I nod in understanding. 

Liv grins brightly, "I've missed this."

"So, when do you join?" Jai asks.



Tory's POV

"The world is made up of two kinds of people: leaders and followers," Sensei Silver tells us as we stand at attention for our next lesson. "Cobra Kai, like a military unit, needs both to function successfully. So... we're gonna divide you up into pairs."

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