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"Everybody's waitin' for you to break down. Everybody's watchin' to see the fallout. Even when you're sleepin', sleepin', keep your eyes open."

~Eyes Open (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift~


A/N: Okay, okay, I'll do my schoolwork now that this is posted <3

Warnings: abuse, addiction, anxiety, biphobia/homophobia, depression, domestic violence, gun violence, language, panic attacks, sexual harassment/assault/abuse, violence, weapons, and other mature themes


Zion's POV

 "Welcome to the dojo, Zion."

I can feel the disappointment and resentment in the air. I can feel the judgmental eyes. I decide this isn't the time to care because this is my chance to take back my life and love for karate.

I walk over to Sam and Aisha with Miguel. I ignore the hostile stares and whispers as we stand divided from them.

Eli catches my eye as he gives me a slight nod of approval. I smile in response; I don't know how to truly respond to that.

"Look at us, all back together," Aisha states as she looks around at everyone who was in Cobra Kai with us at one point. "I hope you're ready to kick some ass."

I look around the backyard of Miyagi-Fang in awe and nod.

"Fall in." Daniel announces in the most calm voice ever. "We'll be starting off easy today with some basic kata."

I line up with everyone and try to suppress every horrible memory Kreese gave me. This is a new era, this is something different, and this is a chance for happiness.

I glance over at Eli again and find Demetri walking away from him in dismay. Demetri joins the others as Eli stands beside Miguel in our little clump.

We immediately form three groups: my supporters, my opposers, and Robby.

It hurts when Robby doesn't side with me or say or do anything, but I understand because it hurts. I don't know if I could support him if it came down to it right now.

"Bow," Daniel instructs.

I bow with them for the first time ever.

Then, we move into our first movement. I try everything I can to tune out the world. All that should matter right now is my return to karate in a way that isn't harmful to me.

I see Johnny and Chozen move aside as Daniel continues to lead us. I glance around and see the others glaring at me.

"Good," Daniel tells us as we continue to follow his movements.

I close my eyes and try to find what Daniel calls "public solitude." Instead, I feel anxious. I try to hide it. I try. I can't let them see my weakness.

I open my eyes back up and follow Daniel as we move our hands up and down in the prayer position. I take deep breaths while we do this. I try to remember how it was one-on-one.

My peripheral vision catches Robby staring at me, and I try to focus only on Daniel.

Eli turns his head to look at Robby, and I lose all focus. I remember when Hawk and I broke up and how toxic we became. Eventually, they stop exchanging hostile looks, and Robby catches my eye again. I refuse to be that kind of ex-girlfriend again.

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