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"Try not to abuse your power. I know we didn't choose to change. You might not wanna lose your power, but power isn't pain."

~Your Power by Billie Eilish~


A/N: I am so excited to share this chapter with you. It was super fun to write.

As always, comment! I love to read them sm.

...Sorry I'm updating on a random Tuesday, but happy November 1!

Warnings: abuse, addiction, anxiety, biphobia/homophobia, depression, domestic violence, slight eating disorder, gun violence, language, panic attacks, sexual harassment/assault/abuse, violence, weapons, and other mature themes


Robby's POV

"Come on, man. Give me my damn car!" my dad yells at the guy running the impound lot.

The man responds in Spanish and we both look at him with a loss of words. Of course he doesn't speak English.

"I see you're having some trouble," we turn and see Benny behind us.

"What're you doing here?" my dad asks before I can.

"I saw you in some trouble at the market. I wanted to offer my services again," Benny says.

"We have it under control," I tell him.

Benny looks at the worker and says something in Spanish. The worker nods and grabs some stuff. "What's your name?" Benny asks.

"Johnny Lawrence. It's a van with a badass eagle on it," he explains.

Benny translates. He asks us for the money and gives it to the man. We get some paperwork and directions to a spot in the lot. The gate opens.

"Thanks," my dad says wearily.

"I can be helpful if you let me," Benny states as we walk around. I feel unsure about him still.

"Well, I guess we could use your help finding Hector the Salazar," Dad continues.

"I'm happy to help," he says. "Any leads on where he might be?"

"We don't really know anything," my dad says.

Miguel's phone to Robby: El Hoyo Verde

"I have a location," I speak up.

"Oh," Benny looks at the phone. "I don't know if you want to be caught up there."


Zion's POV

After we eat lunch, Hector takes us to a fight club. I'm nervous just at his description of it being one of his favorite places. Miguel seems intrigued to another level and I can tell that his admiration of his dad is growing more and more. I just worry that he's going to tell Hector and he'll take it poorly.

"Hey, Hector!" some man at the gate calls out and we skip the whole line of people and follow him in.

Miguel fist bumps some guys as I stay to the far side of him worriedly. I take in all the men, the lights, the loud music, everything.

"Hey, this way," Hector smiles as he presses his hand on Miguel's back and guides him inside.

We stare in awe when we see a large crowd surrounding a fighting ring. It looks like some form of MMA fights are going on.

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