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Chapter Fifty-Five: The Plan


Revised: September 12, 2022

A/N: This is my last day of break, so here's one more small update.

Warnings: abuse, addiction, anxiety, biphobia/homophobia, depression, domestic violence, slight eating disorder, language, panic attacks, sexual harassment/assault/abuse, violence, and other mature themes


Miguel's POV

Sam and I rush after Hawk into Miyagi-Do. Why does he have a sledgehammer?

"Hawk!" I yell to him.

"Oh, hey," he turns to us.

"What are you doing?" Sam asks defensively.

"I'm trying to make up for everything I've done wrong," Hawk tells us.

"By bringing a sledgehammer into my dojo?" Sam questions.

"Our dojo," he corrects her. "Look, that picture in there is of an Okinawan sparring deck. We can build one here. I was working all last night on it with Demetri."

"Eli's design is flawless," Demetri comes in behind us with a few others. "If we work together, we can get a lot of it done."

"There's no room for a sparring deck," I look around the small landscape.

"That's what this is for," Hawk holds up the sledgehammer proudly.

"I mean, Mr. Miyagi used the space behind the fence for storage. I'm sure we could make room," Sam nods beside me.

"I'm all in. Actions speak louder than words. We have to prepare for the All Valley the right way," Hawk informs us.

"Let's get to work," I shrug.

Hawk knocks down one wall of fence and then starts shouting orders for people. Surprisingly, they all listen.

"Dude," Hawk calls me over. "We need to talk about Z."

I feel my heart sink at the mention, "What about her? She's not joining us."

"That's just it. I saw her last night. I accidentally ran into her. For some reason, she was sitting in our spot at the beach," he explains to me. "Z is taking everything I tell her the wrong way."

"It's Kreese. She won't break free of him," I sigh. "I don't know what else we're supposed to do."

"She says she doesn't trust anyone, but I know that she's always trusted you," Hawk reminds me.

I shake my head, "No, do you not remember her saying that she 'grieved me?' Whatever that means? I might as well not exist. You should keep trying."

"She doesn't open up to me anymore, Miguel," Hawk tries to keep the conversation going. "I fucked up when I let my anger get the best of me and let rumors spread about her cheating on me. I was so angry at Cobra Kai that I convinced myself it was better to be on top than it was to let people in."

"I continuously told you those rumors weren't true," I sigh. "Hawk, I love her like a sister, but... she was standing with Robby and Kreese at Cobra Kai. I don't know how to convince her that what she chose is wrong."

"There's no way she's choosing Keene," Hawk snaps at me.

"Hey," Sam comes over, "everything okay?"

"We're fine, princess," Hawk responds with a hint of hostility before heading back over to Demetri.

"What was that all about?" she looks up at me.

"Hawk's just dealing with some stuff," I tell her. I know she hates Z and vice versa and I don't want to start an argument here, especially if Robby gets brought up.


"All right. Stand back. It's coming down," Hawk yells as he knocks the fence over.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Mr. LaRusso comes running in with Sensei.

"You were both right. Talk is cheap," Hawk explains to them. "So, I'm building a bridge."

Sam helps me move a big piece of wood to the back of the land as Demetri explains the physics of it all to our senseis.

"Mr. Miyagi just used this area for extra storage, but a new deck would mean a lot more room for training," Sam elaborates.

"We're all gonna help build it, assuming our senseis approve?" I join in.

"Sounds good to me," Mr. LaRusso finally responds.

"Yeah, sounds awesome," Sensei agrees and they come over to help us.

I stand beside Hawk and he turns away, but I still whisper to him, "All right, idea man. What's our plan to get Z back? Because she won't talk to me. How do I get her to trust me if she won't even listen to me?"

"We find a good time at school. She won't act out there," Hawk tells me. "One of us are bound to have a class with her this semester. We just have to speak to her alone."

"No, no, no! Stop playing with the koi pond," Demetri calls to Assface/ Penis Breath/ Mitch. "Help us build this thing so we can take down Cobra Kai."

"Not a word of this to any of them?" I suggest to Hawk.

He nods, "Good plan."

We do our handshake and then I go back to helping Sam lift things.


A/N: Just wait until they find out who Z is dating...

But, I won't tell you when. I may just keep you waiting for a while;)

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