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"Only 20 minutes to sleep, but you dream of some epiphany. Just one single glimpse of relief to make some sense of what you've seen."

~epiphany by Taylor Swift~


Warnings: abuse, addiction, anxiety, biphobia/homophobia, depression, domestic violence, gun violence, language, panic attacks, sexual harassment/assault/abuse, violence, weapons, and other mature themes


Tory's POV

"Zion is going Valley Viral," Piper looks at her phone as I towel dry my hair in her bathroom. 

"Oh," is all I can say.

Today was a crazy test of my loyalty to Cobra Kai, and it was so hard. All I want is to be friends with Z and Robby again, but I've seen what they think of her for switching. I have to keep my distance and save face. Even around my girlfriend. I try not to talk about it.

"Maybe she'll come back someday," Piper does her hair, too. "All I know is that for now she's a traitor and we have to train and prepare for anything she may get Miyagi-Do to throw at us."

I look down and nod in response.

"At least now we have Shawn on our side. What I wouldn't give to be as tall as him," she giggles.

I don't even smile. He wasn't a variable in Sensei Kreese's plan.

"It feels sexist at this point," I tell her as I look at her phone for a second.

It's a picture of her at the All Valley right after losing. She looks genuinely devastated from losing. It makes me feel guilty. What's even worse is that the comments are ruthless.

allicewazer: this is what she gets for playing with people's feelings

oliverkringle: i'm not even sad for her tbh

utopialia: sociopath

kris.woozle: deserved

kekelipbalmer: cry abt it

jadenramsaaay: poor eli dealt with a witch

samjamfam: heartless bitch

"Yeah, I feel weird scrolling and seeing dirty stuff about her," Piper agrees. "She did leave us when we needed her most."

"I still won, though," I tell her, as if I need to over-defend my title, as if I need to assure her that it's real. 

"Yes, you did... I miss Z, too," she admits as she finally makes eye contact with me, "but we can't change her mind. Maybe... Maybe there's a way to still be friends at a distance?"

"No," I tell her quickly. "I can't. We can't."

"Why not? I think we both miss her and-"

"Because then we'll be traitors," I tell her.

"You're the Queen Cobra now. You can't be a traitor."

"Look at what they post about Z online," I find a new post. "It's only been a couple hours since Eli started spreading shit. Imagine if she were still in Cobra Kai and Kyler started something."

"Kyler is a spineless jellyfish," Piper counters. 

"Fine. Shawn, then," I tell her. "It's too risky."

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