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Chapter Negative Two: Summer Fling

"I might get to too much talking. I might have to tell you something. Damn, I like me better when I'm with you."

~I Like Me Better by Lauv~


Warnings: abuse, addiction, domestic violence, homophobia(mentioned?), language, underage drinking, and other mature themes


Zion's POV

I stay over at Jess', already having cleared it with my mom. I didn't want to go home and Jess' moms, Liz and Jasmine, happily welcome me with no questions asked. Jess and I have been friends for god knows how long.

When it turned into feelings in eighth grade, it was great, but it was also a bit of a struggle coming out. She fell for me first and then I followed suit, realizing I'm bisexual. And it was hard when we broke up and decided to be just friends, but we fell back together as best friends and it's been this supportive friendship ever since. I'd be lost without her.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," I wake her up the next morning and she yawns as she sits up.

"How much did I drink?" she covers her eyes to block out the sun shining into her bright room filled with plants and colorful walls.

"How much didn't you drink?" I respond and she frowns.

"Ughhh. I don't even remember the majority of what happened after you ran off with that boy with the six pack," she groans.

"Well, here is your hangover cure," I hand her a cup.

"Oh, bless you," she takes it from me and sips it.

"I got the boy's number," I say with a smile and she gasps.

"You did?!" she freaks out and I nod. "Oh my god, Zion! I'm so proud of you for getting back out there."

"Well, hold your praises," I say and she looks at me in confusion. "He's from out of town."


"And he's coming down for long weekends for the next four weeks."


"And we kissed last night."



"Ahhh, Zion, that is so exciting," Jess sets the cure on her table and envelopes me in a hug.

"Yeah, his name is Robby Keene and he's really sweet," I say.

"He'd better be sweet to you," Jess pulls away from the hug with a stern look on her face. "If he hurts you, I'll break him."

"Jess, you hate violence," I argue.

"Anything for you," she swings her legs over the side of the bed and stands up. "Nope." She sits back down. "Not ready to get up yet." She falls back on the bed and smashes a pillow on her face.

"I should get back home before my mom freaks," I say softly.

"What time is it?" Jess asks me with her voice muffled in the pillow.

"A little after eight," I say.

"Oh. It's early," Jess complains. "I'm going back to sleep."

"Okay. I'll call you later," I say.

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