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"I know I can't help myself. You're all in the world to me. It feels like the first time."

~Feels Like the First Time by Foreigner~


Warnings: abuse, domestic violence, sexual harassment/assault, smut, language, violence, and other mature themes


Otherwise, enjoy;)


Hawk closes the laptop and sits up suddenly.

I roll on my side with a frown, "Why'd you turn it off?"

"There's one last present I wanted to give you," he says with a small smile.

"Couldn't we have watched to the end of the movie?" We were almost to the end of Spider-Man: Homecoming.

"Yeah, but your birthday is almost over," he shows me his phone that reads 11:42pm.

"So? We could have-" Hawk cups my face in his hands, "I have one more-" "You're making this too big of a deal; I don't need anything else-" I try to stand up.

Hawk pulls me back and pins me between himself and the mattress, shirtless, "There's one last present I wanted to give you."

"Oh?" I ask in realization.

He practically rolls off of me and walks over to his closet. I peek over at him as he rummages under his suitcase and some shoes until he finds whatever he's looking for.

He turns back to me with a little something in his hand: a condom.

"Are you sure?" I sit up almost too eagerly and look him straight in the eyes.

"So sure."

"This would be your first time-"

"Z," he sits down with me. "I love you and I don't think there's a better time to show it. Let me give you this last present."

"You know virginity is a social construct," I remind him, "but also that it can still mean something to you. I don't want to pressure you."

"I want to do this. With you," Hawk tells me honestly.

I debate it for a second. "Okay," I nod with a smile. "Let's do it."

Hawk brings his hands down to the hem of my shirt timidly. I pull it over my head and reveal my black bra; his eyes widen. I grab his hand and press it onto my chest and I note the shift in his stance. He's so tense now.

I reach over and pull him in for a deep kiss as he rolls my nipple between his fingers. I smile into the kiss and straddle him. His other hand grips my thigh hard to keep me steady.

After a minute or so of us just making out, I begin to grind on him and his breathing becomes erratic.

"Tell me if it's too much," I whisper in between kisses.

Hawk undoes my bra and I help him slide it off. He picks me up by my thighs and I hold onto his neck as he spins us around to switch places. "You tell me," he counters.

"Pretty cocky for a v-" His fingers grip my bottom lip and shut me up.

"Not for long, baby." Hawk's hands pull down my shorts and underwear.

He stands up and I try to curl into myself since I'm fully naked. Hawk gets rid of his remaining clothing and then grabs the condom. I wait impatiently as he struggles with opening it.

Cold Hearted ⭒ Cobra KaiWhere stories live. Discover now