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"And if you don't love me now, you will never love me again. I can still hear you saying you would never break the chain."

~The Chain by Fleetwood Mac~


A/N: Here we go: the waterpark episode!

Warnings: abuse, addiction, anxiety, biphobia/homophobia, depression, domestic violence, gun violence, language, panic attacks, sexual harassment/assault/abuse, violence, weapons, and other mature themes


Zion's POV

The first day I'm finally off from work makes me so happy. It's been two weeks of non-stop with the exception of Sundays to spend with my friends and Robby. I have nights with them, too, but it's not the same as a full Saturday of nothing.

"I've got the sunscreen, towels, and tanning oil," Robby says as he grabs the bag from the trunk.

"And I've got our passes for the day and your sunglasses," I set them on his head with a smile.

"We're all set for a fun day in the sun," he kisses me.

I grab his hand and pull him to the gate like a little kid.

"I haven't been to a waterpark in years," I recall.

"I could never afford it," he adds.

"Then, today is going to be an adventure for the both of us. You'll go on the Mega Drop with me, right?" I ask as I look at the giant white slide towering over the park. It's a one-hundred foot drop.

"Definitely," he chuckles.

We scan our tickets and they check our bags at the gate. Once we're safely through, I take in the colorful slides, the kids running around, and all the vendors set up with different foods.

"Ooh, funnel cake," I point out. Robby laughs.

"Where do you want to set up our stuff?" 

"Maybe right by the lazy river?" I suggest. "It's kind of the center of the park." He looks at me in question. "I was excited so I looked up the map last night. It's just a nice day without karate to worry about."

"Yeah, for the first time ever," Robby takes my hand once more and leads us one way into the park.

I redirect him, "It's this way."



"Can you get my back?" I ask Robby as I hand him the lotion.

"Yeah, hold on," he says as he takes a quick sip of water. "Okay." He takes the bottle from me and puts the sunscreen on my back.

It's a slightly intimate feeling in a public space. I don't even feel self-conscious in my bikini here, though. This is a day with people I don't know, and the only person I care about knows everything about me. I feel safe and confident and happy.

That's when my eyes land on someone: Tory.

Her legs are dangling in the lazy river as she sits on the edge. She looks content, and she's alone.

"Hey," I whisper to Robby when I see her. He looks over. "Mind if I take a second to go talk to her?"

"Of course. Good luck," he tells me.

I walk over, careful not to scare her. I sit beside her and she looks at me in surprise.

"Z?" she wonders.

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