A oneshot for Winnie_Fiction_05
Alessia's POV
I was with David and we were eating. We were eating over at Sofia and Gabriel's house. I was sitting across from David. Sofia and Gabriel were celebrating some type of important event, but I can't remember what the date was. I think it was an anniversary or perhaps one of their birthdays. I probably could have if I could think for a few moments, but I just couldn't. David was eating, twirling spaghetti on his fork and putting it into his mouth. Sofia had done the cooking and Gabriel was supposedly helping. Well, helping was probably saying too much. I heard Sofia fussing at him through the open kitchen window as we sat waiting. The two of them had made spaghetti and meatball sliders. Sofia fussed at Gabriel for doing more eating and sampling then helping. He was sent out of the kitchen and joined us in the living room shortly before we started to eat. Sofia called out for him to come back to help set the table. He did so, and once the table was set, we sat down at the table and we began eating. It was very good, but I was sort of distracted while we were eating there.
I was distracted because I had a lot of things in my head. My thoughts were racing at what felt like a hundred miles per hour! News and personal things weren't well. The Bureau was hard at work but I don't have a lot of information about it. I wish I knew more, but my older brother was very hush-hush about things. The last thing I heard was that he was heading out into the New York Catacombs. I asked why, but he wouldn't say anything about it, he just said to check the news. The news about how the president of the United States, President James Hewett, was kidnapped. I can't believe that my brother is involved in this mess! I didn't want to disappoint Sofia or worry David by not eating. I'd barely touched my food. David gave me a worried glance. He nudged my ankle with his foot from under the table. I gave him a reassuring nod and he quickly went back to eating. I ate one of the sliders and sipped at my sweet tea. I then heard what sounded like a phone going off and vibrating. Oh, that's my phone! I take it out of my pocket and oh my god, it's Armand! What did he want? I need to answer this right now.
"Is everything okay over there Alessia, darling?"- David asks.
"Oh, yes, everything is fine! I just um... need to answer this call! Uh... sorry you guys."- I reply.
"It's alright Miss Alessia, please, answer it if it is that important! I can heat your food if it gets cold."- Sofia says.
"Okay, thanks Sofia."- I reply.
I saw a glint from David's eye. I shot him a look as I walked away, telling him please not to worry. I walk into the living room, trying to get out of the earshot and eye of David and everyone else. I answered the phone but I didn't recognize the voice. It was a Swedish lady, not my Swiss brother!
"Hello? Armand? What's wrong??"- I asked.
"Hello, are you related to the one Armand Dupont? Are you part of the family?"- The Swedish woman asked.
"Yes. I'm his sister! Where is my brother? Who are you?!"- I exclaim.
"I work with the Bureau. I'm sort of in charge here."- The woman replied.
"I want to talk to my brother! Why would I get a call from his number if it wasn't him behind the phone?! Please, just let me talk to him."- I reply, trying not to cry already.
"Dupont never mentioned anything about having a sister!"- I heard another woman say, she sounded American.
"Well, I'm going to hand you over to one of our other agents. She could let you talk to him maybe."- The other Swedish lady says.
"I... I can't even get your name first before I lose you?"- I ask.
"My name is Ingrid Bjorn. I'm handing you over to Detective Carmen Martinez."- The woman, Ingrid, says.

Criminal Case Oneshots
RandomHere is a book about CriminalCase oneshots. I'll probably update on weekends. I will take requests and tend to write whatever comes to mind. Enjoy! -MysticalCatlord If you'd like to request a oneshot, come to my inbox! Please have a title, prompt a...