A oneshot for AwesomePinerin
Sean's POV
Well, today's the day. I managed to propose to William last year and not have a heart attack because of my nerves. Today, I get to marry him. I feel less nervous than I did then, so I suppose that's a plus. I look at myself in the mirror, looking over my appearance again, analyzing it for any mistakes or something that I could fix. My short blonde hair was freshly cut, I wanted to look perfect, but there was a stupid piece of hair in the back that is out of the quiff that my hair is in! Not a single hair should be out of place! But I don't have any hair gel to force it to stay where it's supposed to!
"Do either of you have any hair gel on you?" I ask.
"Sorry mate, I don't wear that stuff!" Michael hums.
"I have some. I was going to slick my hair back, so it isn't messy. You thinkin' the same thing eh?" Sammy replies.
"I don't want to slick it back, William likes my hair how it is... but I need it perfect and for everything single hair to be in place, so I need to use it, please," I reply.
"Fine with me, I know that you want to impress him so I'm not going to stop him." He beams, handing me a small bottle of hair gel.
I thank him and then turn my focus back to the mirror. I dip my finger in the gel and then move it over the spot of rebellious hair. I rub it in and the hair finally relented to go in its proper spot. I wash my hands, hating the sticky feeling. It doesn't help that I'm sweating like crazy! Who am I kidding? I'm a nervous wreck. I do a once over in the full-length mirror, my tie matching my bright green eyes. I look good in my suit but I bet that William looked better than me a million times over. I hope that he isn't freaking out. I know that my husband-to-be tends to freak out when he gets overwhelmed, and to make it worse, I'm not there to fix it!
"Are you sure you're ready to do this, man?" Michael wonders.
"Why do you say that?" I mutter, biting the nails on my right hand.
"You look nervous." He says.
"What?? I'm not nervous... I'm trying to not be nervous, I can't be like how I was when I was trying to propose." I retort.
"Yes, you are. It's all over your face." Sammy hums.
"It's reasonable that I'm a little nervous." I huff.
"Do you want me to go get William? I can and he could give you some last-minute comfort to get those jitters out." He suggests.
"I'm not supposed to see him before the wedding starts, that's bad luck," I reply.
"I'll give you the pep talk then," Sammy said.
I bite my lip. "That's not exactly comforting."
Michael snorts. Sammy glares at me.
"I'm trying to help you." He says.
"I know! Being snarky is my coping mechanism... go ahead." I mumble.
"Well, stop that, please?" Sammy asks.
"I will, sorry... I'm just so nervous that something is going to go wrong." I respond.
"Now, as someone who has been diagnosed with anxiety and has had panic attacks, the anxiousness is all in your head." He instructs.
"I know, but what do I do to not think about it?" I mumble.
"Focus your mind and attention on other things. Hell, you're about to get married! Focus your thoughts on the love of your life and dancing the night away!" Sammy suggests.

Criminal Case Oneshots
RandomHere is a book about CriminalCase oneshots. I'll probably update on weekends. I will take requests and tend to write whatever comes to mind. Enjoy! -MysticalCatlord If you'd like to request a oneshot, come to my inbox! Please have a title, prompt a...