A oneshot for HHYtheking
Cody's POV
I am so bored. The police station has to be barren if no one can come to speak to me. I sigh as I tap my fingers against the table in a musical way. If I knew it was going to be taking this long for somebody to come to speak to me, I wouldn't have come, or at least called beforehand, jeez. I dig into the pocket of my dirt-covered jeans and pull out a piece of nicotine gum. I pop it into my mouth and start to chew it. I toss the wrapper into the trash can and sit back down in the chair. Well, I guess this is what you get when you trust city folks... they are so busy that one teeny problem you have is no big deal to them. Although, I'm not so sure that this issue I have isn't that small. I resume tapping my fingers on the table and then I hear a 'click' resonate throughout the room. The door opens and some gruff-looking guy in a police uniform enters. He introduces himself as Senior Detective David Jones. He sits down in the chair opposite me and gets right to the point.
"So, what was this 'big case' you said you needed to tell us about?" The Officer asks.
"Someone is paying me to burn down the cornfield," I answer, trying not to smack on my gum.
"Whose cornfield is it?" He questioned.
"My own cornfield, Sir," I reply.
A confused look appears on Officer Jones' face. "Why would someone do that?"
"I have no idea, but all I do know is that the person who came to talk to me was wearing a suit... and they muttered somethin' under their breath... 'The job is done, Four Snacks' I think it was. I don't know what they meant by that either." I state.
Now the Officer's expression turned a lot more serious. "Could it have been 'Fornax' instead that you heard?"
I ponder it for a moment and then nod. "Yes. That's what they said. Is that important to you or not?"
Officer Jones doesn't say anything to reply to what I said. He gets up from his chair and walks to the door, but before he leaves he tells me to 'Stay put.'. I listen to the Officer and stay in the chair. Where is he going? What mess have I gotten myself into? Well, it isn't exactly my fault, some random person just showed up at my door with the proposal... but why did they come to talk to me? I'm taken out of my thoughts by the door opening up again. I look up to see Officer Jones return and then he is followed by a woman who looks to be a lot more senior than him. Her rank has got to be higher than his. She smiles at me and introduces herself as Chief Diana Parker, taking the seat across from me, while the other Officer takes the seat next to her.
"Now, what really happened?" The woman queries.
"Someone in a suit wants to hire me to burn down my own cornfield! It's really a stupid idea, but I don't know what to do, so I came to you guys for some help." I say, repeating my story again.
She thinks for a minute before her eyes turn back to me. "Mister Mays, I think you may be getting yourself into a crossfire between law enforcement and a crime organization that we have been working against. We might need to protect you from them, so we're going to send you to a secret place under witness protection."
I break my poker face and smile at the two. Two days ago, after the man in the suit came to me with his proposal, I was deep in thought. I was debating with myself whether or not I should report that this happened. On one hand, that person was going to pay me enough money for me to be able to start a new life but on the other hand, it sounds too nice to be true, I had a feeling something might go wrong if I accepted. Ultimately, I decided to report this whole situation to the police. I remember back to ten years ago when I spent 18 months in prison for robbing a gas station in Pacific Bay. During my time in prison, I learned that each month the Pacific Bay Police Department will come and recruit inmates to be informants so they could expose the Italian Mafia. Once they became informants they lived in a mansion near the beach, having servants (undercover cops) serving them and they could even order cops to bring things to them. I, however, couldn't join them because unlike them, I didn't know anything about the Italian Mafia. But I knew if I ever did end up getting myself into some big trouble then cops will do everything to protect me. As for now, I know this situation is pretty different from those inmates but I still decided to bet on this and am hoping this man-in-suit situation could make Police Department protect me and put me into a luxurious life as well. I couldn't be happier right now! I have so much to plan on what I'm going to be doing over the next few days. And I am not scared of whoever is supposedly coming after me because I will kill them if I have to.

Criminal Case Oneshots
AléatoireHere is a book about CriminalCase oneshots. I'll probably update on weekends. I will take requests and tend to write whatever comes to mind. Enjoy! -MysticalCatlord If you'd like to request a oneshot, come to my inbox! Please have a title, prompt a...