A oneshot for Lantoretore
Elliot's POV
I really hate when people don't understand the words "Leave Me Alone". Yes, I know that I'm only seventeen, but hey, I think I'm very mature for my age. I can handle what I go through. I can do it by myself. I work with the Bureau for goodness sake! I'm not like most other seventeen-year-olds, I work at the agency that is the crème de la crème of crime-stopping. I can handle having a gun shoved in my face and pressed against my temple. The people of the Bureau don't understand me. They think that I'm antisocial, they degrade me, at least I think it's degrading, by calling me "kiddo" and "little man" etc, and they keep on pestering me about what happened in Singapore! I think that is what pisses me off the most. I'm okay! What happened in Singapore doesn't affect me. It is not that big of a deal! I sigh as I pick up the cup of tea I had been sipping at. Footsteps are heard walking, coming towards my lab. They come to a stop right in front of my door. I internally groan as the knocking comes. The door is unlocked, they can just come right in to bother me whenever they want. The door opens, however, I'm not facing the door so I don't see who enters.
"Hey, Elliot, Chief Ripley needs you in her office."- A voice, which I unfortunately recognized as Jack's, says.
"Why?"- I ask, confused.
"I have no idea!- A hand grabs my chair and spins it around so I'm now facing Jack -So why don't you stop being an antisocial little bitch and just go talk to her."- He replies.
"I can't know why she needs me first?"- I inquire.
"No Elliot! There's no need for you to argue with me. Get up off of your ass and go talk to her. You shouldn't be sitting here and keep the new guy waiting."- Jack hisses.
"New guy? What do you mean by 'new guy'? And if there is a new hire so to speak, why is it just me in there? Have you guys met them?"- I ask.
"Shut the hell up and just go! I don't want to be pestered by your questions!"- He responds.
"Why don't you just answer them then?"- I query.
Jack sighs, his pointer finger and thumb pressing together in what I assume is frustration up the bridge of his nose.
"I understand that you have been having a hard time recently, but there's no need to take it out on us with your paranoia."- Jack said softly.
"Paranoia?! I'm not paranoid! I'm just a little curious!"- I hiss.
"I thought I told you to get him to Chief's office and specifically not to get into an argument."- Carmen says as she enters the room.
"I'm not arguing with him, he's the one arguing with me, Carmen!"- Jack whines to her.
"I didn't start shit! He just came all up in my space, telling me that I needed to talk to Chief Ripley, but he won't even answer my questions about why I need to go there or why a new person is working here!" I insist.
"Elliot, just go to Chief's office. There's no need for questions or to keep her waiting. You should just do as you're told."- She replies.
"You guys need to stop treating me like I'm a child!"- I scoff, trying to keep how I said it soft.
"Maybe if you stop acting like one, we won't need to treat you like one."- Jack remarks.
"Oh shut up, Pretty Boy! You guys don't treat me with the same respect that you treat each other!"- I retort.
"Well, you are seventeen-"- Carmen starts.
"That doesn't change anything! It just means that I'm way younger than the rest of you. I still work here at the Bureau with you guys, so I should be treated with that same respect!"- I exclaim, not caring that I cut her off.

Criminal Case Oneshots
RandomHere is a book about CriminalCase oneshots. I'll probably update on weekends. I will take requests and tend to write whatever comes to mind. Enjoy! -MysticalCatlord If you'd like to request a oneshot, come to my inbox! Please have a title, prompt a...