Shadowy Dreams

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A oneshot for KimikoSan103

Elliot's POV

Something is wrong. Very wrong. But... I... I don't know what to do about it. I'm tired, just so exhausted, so that's probably adding to it. I can't sleep at all. Sometimes I lie in bed, awake and not able to fall asleep. Other times I force myself to drink lots of coffee or take a few anti-sleep meds to keep me awake. I've even tried to take anti-dream meds to help stop them, but that only works half of the time. Sometimes I'm so tired that I fall asleep at my desk. I also can sleep in through alarms when there is a rare time I do sleep. I sometimes have a hard time eating. I'm just tired so my appetite kinda goes away. Or there have been times that I've fallen asleep while eating, which happens at breakfast a lot. Waking up with cereal stuck to your face is a weird sight. The thing is... I've been having nightmares. Nightmares about Anbu and SOMBRA. It... it's terrible! I don't know how to stop these dreams.

Talking to Marina could be an option but I'm scared to do that. I have not told any of the other members of the team about the situation either. I don't know how they would react. I don't want them to think badly of me. I don't want to be known as a coward. I just... I'm going through a hard time right now. I'm currently sitting at my desk. We'd been working on a case for the past week. It's a tough one. I sit there, staring at my computer. I don't have the motivation or energy to do any of this casework. I stare at the screen, my eyes hurting since I've been staring at this stupid computer for hours. My head is going to start hurting if I keep staring. I look down and cross my arms on the desk, resting my head on top as a pillow. Now that I wasn't staring at my computer or worrying about work, it was much easier to fall asleep. I close my eyes and then fall asleep in an instant.

The next time I open my eyes, I am not in my office. I am standing in the interrogation room. The air has a heavy scent of durian fruit and sweat. Jack and Carmen are standing here, talking to Anbu Devanesan. Oh no. Oh god! Please, not this again! Please!!!! I turn around and quickly shuffle over to the door, and turn the knob, wanting to leave. But I couldn't leave! The doorknob wouldn't budge. Damn... oh shit... please, I don't want to do this again! Tears are in my eyes as I turn around to face the man who has ruined my life. I tune out the conversation going on, freaking out about what's going to happen next or what might be different in this nightmare from the last.

I keep my eyes closed and try to control my breathing so he wouldn't notice or start earlier than other iterations of this nightmare. I don't look up until I feel the barrel of the gun pressed against my temple. I open my eyes at the sensation, meeting the eyes of Anbu Devanesan. He smiles at me, something that looks sick and demented. Fear shoots through my body like a shiver and I start thrashing around, trying to get him and the gun away from me. Jack points his gun at Anbu, yelling at him to put the gun down. Carmen yells for Anbu to let me go. The man laughs and then marches me out of the building. I want to get out of here!
I feel my heart beating out of my chest. I can hear it so loud it feels like it's right next to my ear. My breath quickens, and I feel like I am on the brink of a panic attack and tears. I'm brought to the garden and he removed the gun for one second. I looked at him, panicked. I pull away from him, trying to run, but then feel a sharp pain in my arm, along with hearing a loud 'Bang!'. I freeze. Did he just shoot me?! I looked at my left arm, there was a hole that was the size of a golf ball in my arm. Oh my god. He... he did shoot me! I am grabbed by the same arm that he shot and Anbu twists it hard. I cry out in pain and immediately fold to him. Then he takes his tie off and looks at me, my eyes wide as he lifts the gun at me again. I plead with him not to kill me and his scary laugh echoes in my ears. He hits me with the butt of the gun in the face. My nose starts to hurt and blood trickles down my face. I take a chance and scream for help, maybe Carmen, Jack, or even Jonah could help me get away. I'm yelled at to shut up and then punched in the face, I'm probably going to get a black eye from that. Anbu takes the pink tie he had previously worn and tied it around my mouth and nose, gagging me.

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