Happy Life, Happy Family

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A oneshot for BF_1252

Elliot's POV

I smile as I pull into the driveway. I love my cozy little home in Cheltenham. I walk in through the front door and am greeted with a kiss on the cheek from my wife Lauren. She was holding our one-year-old girl, Lorelai. I return the kiss, kissing my wife on the lips and Lorelai on the forehead. Lauren smiles and the baby giggles. Oh, how my stone-cold heart melts at those two! I glanced at the clock and a small sigh escaped my lips. It was already time for the little one to get to bed. Work at the precinct always keeps me busy and makes me get home so late that I only get to see my daughter for very short periods of time before she has to go to sleep. Lauren asked me if I wanted to put her to bed. I eagerly nodded. My wife smiled softly and I scooped our baby out of her arms and into mine. She wandered off into the kitchen somewhere and I headed up the stairs to Lorelai's room. I walk over to her crib, smiling down at her. She giggled and cooed. She still seemed vividly awake though. I sit down in the chair in the room and rocked my baby back and forth. Her eyelids wavered a little but she didn't fall asleep. I started to hum, humming a little tune that I would hum to myself when I couldn't fall asleep. That worked and Lorelai was out, fast asleep as I stood up. I rose and placed her into her crib. I kissed her on the forehead but was careful to be gentle with it so I wouldn't wake her. After she was put to bed, I walked downstairs and heard some noises from the kitchen. Lauren stood in the kitchen, making herself a bowl of ice cream. I sauntered over and wrapped my arms around her waist. A slight gasp escaped her lips but it turned to giggles when she noticed it was me. I take the spoon out of her hand and stuff it into my mouth. Mmm, strawberry.

"Hey! You can't do that!"- Lauren exclaims, a pout forming on her face.

"I can."- I say with a shrug.

"You can not have dessert before dinner!"- She replies.

"Who said that I was having ice cream for dessert? There's plenty of other options."- I start, handing her back the spoon.

"Like what?"- She asks.

"You of course."- I reply, kissing her on her soft lips.

Lauren blushes. "I fell for that easily."

"You left yourself open, love."

"I hate you and your snarkiness!"

"I love you too."

She hesitates, glaring at me. She punches me in the arm, ever so gently. Lauren picks up the bowl and spoon, heading out of the kitchen yet she pauses at the door.

"Your dinner is in the fridge. I made some spaghetti and put the leftovers in a container. There are meatballs and even a breadstick."

"Thanks, Lauren. You are a gem."

"Just doing the wifely duties." And she was off to the living room.

That actually sounds pretty good. I open up the fridge and then grabbed the blue Tupperware container full of my dinner. I pop open the container and placed it inside the microwave. I set a timer for two minutes so everything would be hot when I bite into it. While the timer was ticking, I grabbed a fork, knife, and napkin. By the time the microwave was finished, the whole kitchen smelled like some sort of wonderful Italian delight. I take the container out of the microwave and take it to the living room. Lauren was sitting on the sofa, eyes transfixed on the television. I glance at the TV before I plop down next to her, oh it's one of her favorite movies. She noticed that I had sat down, so she scooted closer to me. I smile at her and then dig into my food. Okay, that's actually pretty delicious. I bit into a meatball and it was still juicy, a little bit of grease and marinara sauce squished around in my mouth. Did she make these from scratch? Also, this breadstick doesn't taste too bad either. I swallowed and she had just taken the spoon out of her mouth. Her spoon hits against the bowl with a soft 'Clink!' and then she placed the empty bowl on the table. Lauren snuggled even closer to me, resting her head against my shoulder.

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