QUARANTINE: The Saga, Chapter One: The Corona Announcement

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AN: These stories will not be working with the actual canon in the story, things like... good character deaths! All characters will be here. Note, not everything will be actual CC Canon :) 

At The Grimsborough PD Precinct

Everyone sat at the table in the break room. They sat at the table. Chief Parker walks into the room. She looks at her team. 

"I assume that you all have been following the news?"- Chief asks. 

"Why would we be following the news?"- Jones asks. 

"Uh, are you kidding me? You haven't been following the news, Jones?"- Gloria replies. 

"No. Has something bad happened?"- Jones asks. 

"The virus of course!"- Gloria says. 

"You really should be paying attention to the news! We might all be stuck at home! You all should be watching the news from now on. There is a virus going on."- Chief Parker says. 

"Oh... that sounds bad. What's it called?"- Jones asks. 

"Coronavirus."- Amir says. 

"COVID-19. At least, that's the scientifical name."- Rupert says. 

"Okay. I guess that I am going to have to do some research..."- Jones muttered. 

"Well, we need to take precautions."- Martine says. 

"Yes. We all will have to be going through some mandatory quarantine."- Chief Parker says. 

"We all need to stay positive. Have a positive mental attitude. Your mental health is very important!"- Gabriel says. 

"He's right. Maybe we could set up an online meeting between us all to keep us sane."- Martine says. 

"And we have to wear masks."- Rita says. 

"Wait, how would we do that?"- Rupert asks. 

"It's technology. It's really simple."- Cathy says. 

"If you need help, we could come set one up, if you have a computer."- Alex says.

"We have to do it on a computer?"- Rupert asks. 

"Yeah, or if you don't you could use your phone."- Cathy replies. 

"It could work on this?"- Rupert asks, showing his flip phone. 

"It wouldn't work on that piece of junk."- Amir says. 

"Well... what will I do?"- Rupert asks. 

"I could loan you my laptop if you really need it."- Amir replies. 

"Oh, thank you. But is there a difference between a laptop and a computer?"- Rupert asks. 

Amir facepalms. 

"No, there is not a difference!"- Amir replies. 

"Actually... there is a difference between the two."- Alex replies. 

"Really? Which one would be better?"- Rupert asks. 

"I would say that a laptop is the better out of the two."- Cathy replies.

"Okay. That's brilliant. But... what's the difference between the two? You said that there was a difference between a laptop and a computer, Alex."- Rupert replies. 

"Oh. Well you see, a computer has to be plugged up to a power source, while a laptop is mobile. You can take a laptop anywhere as long as it has a charge to it's battery or that it's plugged up with a charger."- Alex explains. 

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