A oneshot for AwesomePBST
Giulietta's POV
After I was arrested for the murder of Inspector Jaubert, I've been living in prison. I've been in this Concordian prison for 3 years, however, I'm getting released today. I get to leave prison! Finally, prison is not a fun place, and neither is it a place suitable for a young and pretty girl like me. A prison guard steps over to my cell. I already have all of my things packed, I just have to walk out of the front door and I'll be a free woman!
"Capecchi, do you have all of your things in order?" The prison guard asks.
I nodded eagerly, brandishing my packed suitcase at the guard. "Yes! Everything is ready! I'm excited to leave."
"I would tone down the excitement, by a lot. You don't know how hard it is for a prisoner to readjust back into society." He said dryly, inserting a key into the lock of my cell and opening the door.
"Well, I'm leaving today, so I'm about to find out. It can't be that hard." I reply.
The guard sighs as he begins to lead me through the prison pod I'm in and out the door near the front of the prison.
"That youthful naivety is not going to help you whatsoever, Giulietta." They grumble.
"I'd do better out there than I ever had in here." I retort.
"Suit yourself. As soon as you leave that door, you'll be free to do whatever you like, just don't kill anyone else." The guard informs, pointing at the front door.
"I don't want to end up here again, so no, I won't, and that was a very special circumstance." I hiss.
The man doesn't say anything. I turn on my heels, grab the door handle and walk straight out the door. My suitcase swings back and forth as I step out into the streets of Concordia. Ah, this feels great. The fresh air on my face, the warmth of sunlight, and the sense of freedom tingly my bones. Now, what should I do first?
I think the first thing I need to do is find a place to stay. Once I find a place to live, I can then find a way to support myself. You do need money to survive. I should find a job. After I find a place and a way to support myself, I should be able to make something out of my life. Something better than being called a murderer. I begin to hum as I walk down the street. As I look around the revived streets of Concordia, I noticed something strange. Something awfully peculiar. There were posters, signs, and every type of advertisement you could think of, all advertising me. I pause in front of an advertisement board, curious to see what all the fuss was about. I read one of the giant posters, which looks a bit old. It reads "Local Concordian Heroine, Giulietta Capecchi, Stops The Justice Corps' Reign, Kills Inspector Jaubert, And Frees Concordia." Local Heroine eh? I guess people thought that it was pretty deserving for Jaubert to die. Not that death is entirely deserved, no one deserves to die, but a little pain does everyone good, even though sometimes we go a little overboard. I look at all of the other posters and things on it. They all said similar things of praise. My eyes, however, stop on an ad that didn't talk about me at all. I was intrigued.
'Room for rent, anyone can apply! A single bedroom that's fit for a single person. Everything else, like bathrooms and a kitchen, is included in the house already. Also note that there will be two roommates living with you as well as me, but they have separate rooms. The price is a firm 10 shillings per month. Please, contact Samson Drake at the address below.'
Huh. 10 shillings is quite a high price. And every month? But I think I am going to have to accept the offer. I don't see any other option. I don't think that the two roommates would be a problem. If I am as famous as claimed, perhaps I could get a discount? I shrugged and decided to hightail it over to the address. It's a fancy place! I knock on the door and hear soft voices from behind the door. One of them was clearly Irish. I could tell that accent from anywhere. The other voice sounded like any other American accent in Concordia, something I couldn't understand. Are they going to let me in? I knock once more and the voices stop talking. The doorknob moves and I step back.

Criminal Case Oneshots
RandomHere is a book about CriminalCase oneshots. I'll probably update on weekends. I will take requests and tend to write whatever comes to mind. Enjoy! -MysticalCatlord If you'd like to request a oneshot, come to my inbox! Please have a title, prompt a...