Valentine's Day Special

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Jasper's POV

I awaited Amir's arrival at home. I had it all planned out. The second he gets home, Amir will have one of the best nights of his life! I had a bouquet of orange and blue roses on our dinner table. I had the lights off, but candles lit up the whole place. The candles were lavender scented. I'd looked it up, and it said that Lavender was one of the most romantic scents! I also had roses petals on the ground, leading to the kitchen. I wore a bright red suit and sat at the table. Dinner was ready and waiting for us to just dig in. I had tried my best to make spaghetti, but I am not a cook. The kitchen might be a bit of a mess. Then, when we eat it, we might have one of those kisses where we got the same noodle. Even the cat was excited! I had tied a little red bow around her neck to look cute. I looked in the mirror and fixed my hair, beard, and my glasses. The last piece to this lovely pie was a box of chocolates in one of those heart-shaped boxes! Then the door opened. 

"Jasper! I'm home! I bought something- wait... why are the lights of Darling?"- I heard him say. 

After that, he must've looked down at the floor and noticed the rose petals on the ground and followed them. Amir looked up at me, holding a box of chocolates. A smile rose to his lips. I walked over to him at the kitchen doorway and he handed the box to me. 

"Here. This is for you Honey..."- Amir says. 

I smiled at him. "Thank you, Amir! I have a box for you too, it's on the table, next to our dinner!"- I reply. 

"You... did all this... on a day off?"- He mutters. 

"Of course! Why wouldn't I do this for the man of my dreams?"- I reply, kissing his cheek. 

"You should do this more often on your days off!"- Amir says, giggling. 

"I will, but we should eat this spaghetti before it gets cold..."- I say. 

"W-Wait!"- He exclaims. 

"Hmm?"- I turned back around him. 

Amir grabs me by my tie with hearts on it and pulled me into a kiss. I kissed back until I ran out of breath. We parted away and I smiled at him. I still went red, even though we've been together for a long time now. He smiles, a blush rose to his cheeks too. 

"You missed a spot."- Amir muttered. 

"Sorry, but you got the spot then!"- I replied, smiling widely at him. 

Amir walks over to the dinner table and sat down at one of the chairs. I walked to the counter and brought out a bottle of wine. I sat it in the middle of the table. I sat across from him and he grabs a fork, digging into the singular bowl of spaghetti in front of him. He swallows and looks at me in amazement. 

"Did you make this, Jasper?"- He asks. 

I nodded, grabbing a forkful of the spaghetti. 

"That's impressive, for someone who doesn't cook!"- Amir says. 

"Yeah... it did make a bit of a mess, but it was a tone of fun making it for you!"- I reply, getting more spaghetti. 

He notices the singular bowl and he smirked. "Oh, Jas, how come there's only one bowl of spaghetti? Do you want us to have one of those kisses like that one Disney movie?"- Amir asks. 

I blushed. "Maybe..."- I whisper. 

"Well, let's do it!"- He replies, eagerly forking it into his mouth. 

We ate forkfuls of spaghetti until we got the same noodle on both forks. I sucked hard so I could get it, and he sucked hard too. We got even closer, and closer until our lips connected. We kissed for a slight moment, our lips tasting of marinara and other lovely things. We smiled at each other and continued to eat from the bowl until it was empty. I then poured ourselves glasses of wine. It was the same one from our wedding. I smiled and eagerly sipped from the glass of wine. 

"Now, if you start to feel a little tipsy, 'cause I know how much of a lightweight you are, you are going straight to bed!"- Amir warns. 

I pouted. "I love this wine! And you! Besides, it's Valentine's Day!"- I say. 

"Aww. I guess I could let it slide for one day. But if you feel hungover tomorrow, know it wasn't my fault."- He replies. 

I nod. "I know. But I have a great man to take care of me after!"- I say. 

He rolls his eyes and takes a sip of his wine. "Yeah yeah, of course!"- Amir says. 

I reached for the box of chocolates I was going to give him. I hand it to him and he smiles at me. 

"Is this mine Honey?"- He asks. 

"Yes, it is! This one's all yours!"- I reply. 

I grabbed my box and opened it. I sipped from my wine and ate my chocolate. Amir did the same thing with his chocolate and wine glass. I was so happy. Tonight had gone great! Amir then noticed something and his smile widened. 

"Are those... roses as the centerpiece?"- Amir asked. 

"Yes! There are our colors too!"- I reply. 

"That's so sweet of you, Hun!"- He replies. 

"And I... did the roses in the living room."- I reply. 

I noticed the cat and picked her up. I looked at Amir and he looks at me, then the cat. 

"There's... a ribbon around the cat!"- Amir says. 

"There sure is! I wanted her to help me with our lovely little surprise for you, isn't that right, kitty?"- I reply. 

The cat meows. 

"Aww! That's... so cute!"- He replies. 

After that, we spent most of the night drinking wine, eating chocolate and spending time together. 


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