Face Your Nightmare

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A Oneshot for HHYtheking

Timmy's POV

The gang war that we have been experiencing in Concordia between the Irish and the Italians has ended. We moved after the war ended as well. The owner of the Concordian Pause got arrested for murdering someone, I thought it was a Police Commissioner maybe? So we didn't exactly want to stay and we couldn't even if we wanted to because the Concordian Pause closed down. Harriet and I left Crimson Banks, deciding to go to Ivory Hill. We didn't have anywhere to go but who would want to stay here? However, when we got there, we were gladly taken in by an educated lobbyist by the name of Samson Drake. He's a really nice guy and he's really treated us well. He even tried to help teach us some academics. I didn't really enjoy it, but I was able to still learn some things and I still retained the knowledge. Harriet particularly enjoyed the teaching and she's very bright. She was very enthusiastic about it but I thought it was boring. We were still grateful for Samson taking us in and giving us knowledge. Ever since we had moved here, Samson gave us a weekly allowance to get things we wanted but we didn't feel the need to spend the money. He provided us with everything that we needed so we were just as content as ever. However, Harriet and I wanted to do something for him to show our gratitude. We decided to make a surprise dinner for him while he was at work. The meal was going to be some meat, potatoes, and a lot of other vegetables.

Harriet was setting up the dining room. I had all of the meat and veggies out. I figured that I should let Harriet cut the meat and vegetables. She's the one with experience cooking, so she should probably do it. I picked up the kitchen knife and headed out of the kitchen to tell her this, as well as to hand her the knife. Harriet had already sat out three plates on the dining room table and silverware was neatly placed on the table too on top of napkins. She's so organized! I guess her previous maid experience comes in handy! I tapped Harriet on the shoulder and she whips around. She was about to ask me what I needed when her eyes landed on the knife. Her eyes went big and then she went pale. Harriet screamed in terror, fell to the floor, and backed up against the wall. She was pointing at me and begging for me to put the knife away and to stop pointing it at her. I got really concerned when Harriet started crying. I put the knife down on the table and then went over to her. I crouched down and sat down next to her.

"Harriet, what's wrong?"- I ask.

"I panic whenever I have a knife being pointed at me!"- Harriet replies.

"Why?"- I ask.

Harriet stays quiet, wiping her eyes.

"What happened for you to have this fear?"- I ask.

She still kept quiet. I guess she doesn't want to talk about it. I guess I could cut the vegetables and meat... unless... maybe I could help her get over it. I can try and force her to get over her fear! I mean, it could probably help! It worked for me with my fear of heights. I use to force myself to stand on top of tall buildings. Harriet got up and wiped her face off with her handkerchief.

"Timmy, do we need anything else to prepare for the dinner?"- Harriet asks.

"I think we need potatoes! I feel like that is the thing that we are missing to make the meal really good!"- I reply.

"Alright. I'll go get that from the market. I should be right back!"- She replies.

"Okay, Harriet! I'll be here and probably get some cleaning done."- I reply.

"That sounds great! I'll try to be quick, alright?"- Harriet replied, walking to the door.

"Alright! Bye Harriet!"- I reply.

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