A oneshot for Anne_Frances3201
Adelaine's POV
I stared down at my engagement ring, it was really pretty. A golden band with a sapphire in the middle, along with the diamonds surrounding it. It matches the white strapless dress I have on. We're on the way from our house in Hollywood to Grimsborough. After Hugh proposed, we talked and talked about where we wanted our wedding to be and we decided that it would be in Grimsborough. Everyone is happy and excited about the news of us getting married but I think my family is even happier that it's going to be in Grimsborough.
Unfortunately, the press and paparazzi are having a field day with the announcement. I just don't want to be photographed every second of the day. I sigh. The plane lands and I squeeze Hugh's hand. He squeezes it back. The turbulence ends and we get out of the plane. We get our luggage and then we are spotted by Kelsey and Mister Julian Ramis. They hurry over, take our hands, and then quickly bring us to the car. The paparazzi, however, have already spotted us. Cameras start flashing and I feel dizzy from the cameras everywhere. The car takes us to my house. Julian smiles at me and Hugh.
"I saw your wedding announcement, I wanted to say congratulations before I go," Julian says.
"Thank you!" I reply.
"Yes, thank you, I'm quite pleased with how it went," Hugh adds.
"Mom is almost finished with dinner, we should get inside." Kelsey insists.
I nod. "Yes. It was nice seeing you, Mister Ramis."
"Thank you for helping us get through those crazy paparazzi!" Hugh hums.
Julian smiles and we leave his car. Kelsey goes to the front door. She tries the knob but it's shut. Then she knocks. Voices quiet inside and I hear footsteps approaching the door. The door opens and Dad greets us. He lets us in and then squeezes me tightly in a hug. I hug back, smiling, and he brings us to the dining room. Mom, my godfather, my godmother, Mister Ramirez, Gabriella, Jackson, and Diana were sitting there, along with some of my other friends.
"The guests of honor have arrived!" Dad says, kissing my cheek and hugging Hugh before going to sit down.
"I'm so happy for you, Liebschte!" Mom hums.
"Yes, this is a momentous occasion! You two have all of my good wishes." My godfather adds.
"Okay, we're all really excited for you, but where's the ring? I want to see the beautiful ring." My godmother gushes.
I sit down and Hugh sits down next to me. I show my godmother the ring and she gasps. She twirls it around my finger and the diamonds sparkle in her wide eyes.
"It really is a beautiful ring, it matches your eyes!" She continues to gush.
"You picked a great ring," Dad says to Hugh, patting his back.
"This is all fantastic but I have an offer for you two." Ramirez pipes up.
"About the wedding?" Hugh asks.
"Yes. It's about that. Do you have an officiant for the wedding?" He replies.
"We don't. Do you have any ideas on who could do it?" I reply.
"I can do it. I officiated your mother and father's wedding." Ramirez responds.
"Really? That's awesome!" I exclaim.
"Yes, agreed. We should accept your office." Hugh beams.
I feel a pair of hands wrap around me. I look up, thinking Hugh was expressing affection, but it was my Dad. I smile.

Criminal Case Oneshots
RandomHere is a book about CriminalCase oneshots. I'll probably update on weekends. I will take requests and tend to write whatever comes to mind. Enjoy! -MysticalCatlord If you'd like to request a oneshot, come to my inbox! Please have a title, prompt a...