A Oneshot for CatherineMina3219 and her sister
Adelaine's POV
I had just woken up on another wonderful school day. I smiled at myself in my bedroom mirror and got out of bed. I folded the covers back and made my bed. I started searching for something to wear from my closet and dresser. I picked out a pink skirt and a pretty white sweater. It was September and it was starting to get chilly outside. I paired some light pink tights under the skirt to keep me warm. I wanted to look presentable for today. Not for Hugh like my father will probably remark but something really important is going to happen today. I went into the bathroom to get ready for school before I got dressed. I brushed my teeth, slabbed some deodorant on, brushed out my long curly blonde hair, and did my other things. I got dressed in my cute outfit for school and then grabbed my backpack. I slung it over my shoulder. I put my pink pumps on and then I headed downstairs to hear the soft babyish coos of my younger sister Diana. I can't believe that she's already one! It's not fair that time is passing by this fast! I walked into the kitchen to see my mom preparing Diana her bottle and to find my Dad making cereal in his robe.
"Good morning!"- I announce to the room, opening up the fridge and setting the carton of orange juice on the counter.
"Good morning Princess, glad to finally see you up! I'm making breakfast, what kind of cereal did you want? Roundo's?"- Dad says.
"It's the same time I usually wake up, what do you mean Dad? You can just make me a bowl of Roundo's please!"- I reply.
I kissed his cheek and he kissed me on the forehead. I walked over to my mom and I smiled at her. Mom was bottle feeding Diana. I gave her a hug and kissed her cheek. She smiled and kisses me too. I waited until she was finished with Diana and Diana was finished with her bottle. Mom pats Diana on her back and burps her. I stood on my tippy toes and kissed Diana on the head. She yawns, cooed, and giggled in a babyish way. Mom says a quick good morning to me and Dad handed me a bowl of cereal. He was then handed Diana and Mom rushed out the door to get to Fairview Middle School. I'll be there soon, the bus leaves at around 7, classes start at 7:30. I poured myself a glass of orange juice. He had gotten his glass of orange juice and was sipping at it as he rocked Diana. We sat on the couch and I began eating my cereal. Roundo's are basically round little circular grain things, how yum! He held Diana in his arms and I snuggled up to sit in his lap. I ate my cereal and Diana fell asleep in her Papa's arms.
"Well well well, she's finally asleep."- Dad mumbled, kissing my little sister's head.
"She's so cute! But we should be quiet so we don't wake her up!"- I reply.
"We should be quiet. Did her crying wake you up earlier this morning?"- He replies.
"No. I didn't hear her crying. Is she okay?"- I reply.
"She's alright. She's just a cranky baby. Baby's wake up in the middle of the night to get fed or get a diaper change but you'll understand when you're older."- Dad replied.
"Okay. I just wanted to make sure that she was alright. Dad, did you pack my lunch?"- I reply.
"No. I hadn't made your lunch yet. What did you want?"- He replies.
"I can go make it after I'm done with breakfast if you are too busy with Diana."- I reply.
"I can make it, you can hold Diana while I do so. I know that you would like that."- My father replied.
"I would!"- I reply, shoving a spoonful of cereal into my mouth.
I took a sip of my orange juice. Dad takes a sip of his orange juice. The two of us quieted when Diana stirred. She yawns and hugs Dad. I ate my cereal, drinking the milk after I was finished eating it. Mmm. I finished everything and then I got up to walk to the kitchen. I put everything in the sink, washing out the bowl. I took the last sip of my orange juice and washed that glass too. Dad walked into the kitchen and began making my lunch for my lunch box. My father asked if I wanted a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I nodded and said yes. I grabbed a chocolate chip cookie to put it into a bag. Dad had Diana on his hip while he made everything.

Criminal Case Oneshots
RandomHere is a book about CriminalCase oneshots. I'll probably update on weekends. I will take requests and tend to write whatever comes to mind. Enjoy! -MysticalCatlord If you'd like to request a oneshot, come to my inbox! Please have a title, prompt a...