Cheater Seen Again

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A oneshot for AwesomePinerin

Lexi's POV

I am having the time of my life. I received a text from Audrey earlier today. She told me that she and Sammy were going to the park on a date and she wanted to invite me and Ella out to join her. I accepted and told Ella, who was overjoyed. We just sat down to a picnic lunch. The weather isn't perfect, the sky is cloudy, but there's no chance of rain in the weather forecast. I sit down next to Ella and kiss her cheek. I run a hand through my hair and fix it, the wind messing it up. Ella rests her head on my shoulder.

"Are you two having a nice time?" Audrey asks, twirling a strand of her curly black hair that had fallen out of her space buns.

"Oh yeah, this has been an awesome day!" Ella beams.

"Mhmm! I have so much fun with you two!" I add.

"I'm glad that you're happy, Sis," Sammy replies.

"You always say that, like I'm rarely happy, you know that I am always bubbly." I retort.

"I'm serious Lexi. You're happier than ever. Especially since you've met Ella." He returns.

"Aww. I'm glad I met her too." Ella beams, hugging me tightly.

"You can't be still hung up on that, are you?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at my brother.

"You know I had a promise to beat his ass the next time I saw him, and I have yet to come through with that promise." Sammy retorts.

"And you aren't going to do such a thing." Audrey hums.

"Audrey, I-" Sammy starts, but I cut him off.

"Oh my god. He's here!" I exclaim.

"Who?" Ella queries, looking around the park. "I don't see anyone familiar."

"It's EDWARD!" I shout.

I shouldn't have yelled so loud. Edward turned his head at me saying his name and we met eyes. His dull eyes lit up and he hurried over. Smiling, he took a seat next to me. Sammy clenched his fists. Audrey places a hand on his back, rubbing it up and down his back.

"Lexi! Wow! It's been so long! Who would've guessed that I would be on a pleasant stroll and I would have seen you!" Edward beams.

"What the hell?! What gives you the right to just interrupt our day and then have the gaul to sit down next to her?!" Sammy exclaims.

"I can't say hello? Jeez, I can see that you haven't lost your violent streak." Edward replies.

"I do not have a violent streak! I'm mad at you for what you did to my sister!" He hisses.

"Sammy, cool it. I don't want you fighting during our date." Audrey says.

"I'm just letting everyone know that I don't like this!" Sammy huffs, crossing his arms and glowering at Edward.

"If you are trying to get back together with me, it won't work," I warn.

"What?- Edward blushes and scratches the back of his neck, an embarrassed expression on his face -I would never. I mean, you always will hold the key to my heart, but you've moved on."

"You're right. You have been replaced!" Ella responds, happily kissing my forehead.

"Guys, there's no need to be mean to him," I say.

"Don't tell me you've suddenly changed your tune on the guy who broke your heart! The one you hate the most?" Sammy hums.

"I don't hate him, hate is a very strong word, Sammy, I just have a strong dislike," I answer.

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