My Corporate Savior

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Frances' POV

I can't believe how the last year has been for me. I knew that I would be able to do great things in 2030 and 2031 has had a wonderful start. I graduated from university with my master's degree in finance. I knew that 25 was kind of late to be searching for my first job but my master's should hopefully help get me a higher-paying job. It did help me get a pretty nice gig as a financial analyst, although I'm up and coming. I think the company is pretty interesting. It's a company called Vattersby's Frozen Foods. They make frozen dinners and I'm pretty excited for my first day.

I think I'll be pretty good at my job and hope that Mister Vattersby's impressed with me. They have a small branch in America although they are mainly a UK-based company. My parents seemed a bit disappointed when I told them the company that I was hired for, saying that Mister Vattersby wasn't exactly the professional that should be in charge of a very fancy company but I shrugged off their rude comments. They've always been high and mighty, being important business people themselves. They are always doing work but I'm not entirely upset about it. They've taught me the hard work that has to be had to have a good work ethic. I'm quite strict with myself when it comes to work, but it's needed to get good results. Lily says that I don't know how to relax and that I'm a workaholic but I don't see it. I mean sure, I find myself getting lost in my work with statistics and strategy and I'm always working past 5 pm but it's not a crime to work overtime.

But I have just gotten wonderful news. My director from VFF's American branch said that I had been chosen to go on a 3-month long work trip to Britain. I'm going to go to the head office in London. They want me to look over profits and see if I could maybe help them get raised. I've just landed in London and was taken to my hotel. I changed into my finest red pantsuit and then went downstairs to take a taxi to the company's head office.

Once I got there, I was brought to the top floor and brought to an office, being told to wait until the Big Boss was ready to see me. Oh my goodness, I'm going to be meeting with Mister Vattersby on my first day?! The door opens a few moments later and I'm unsure if I'm surprised or not. I didn't think that it was a physical description when Mister Vattersby stepped out of the doorframe.

The man had shoulder-length auburn hair, which sat right at his shoulder and looked to be contained as much as unruly hair could be contained. He had quite a few silver piercings, a nose piercing, a lip ring, and many of the fancy ear piercings. He wore a blue collared shirt with a black tie. Layered on top was a cream-colored vest and a light blue suit jacket. The man had a very plump stature, I guess he tastes the products often. His face was round and it looked like he got his clothes personally tailored to suit his round belly and rounded behind. He smiles at me, extending a hand.

"You must be the new financial analyst, Miss Frances Payne, yes?" He queries.

I stand up and quickly take his hand, shaking it. "Yes, sir! That's me. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Please, come into my office where we can talk more privately." The man gestures for me to come inside.

I follow him as he walks back inside. He sits in a big comfortable chair behind his desk. He tells me to sit down and I look around at his very lavish office. There was a giant self-portrait of him hanging behind him on the wall. On another wall, there was a giant painting of what I assume is his family. Two also rather plump adults stood behind him and a skinny girl stood next to the Boss. I glanced behind me and the words 'Vattersby's Frozen Foods Inc' were painted across the wall in blue. The wall to the left was made entirely out of glass and I could see an assembly line below. I examined what was on his desk. There's a photo of his family in a picture frame and there is a box of chocolate chip cookies with the name 'Sweet And Delicious Co.' written across the box.

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