A oneshot for deathgod_take_me
AN: I got to write about Jack Archer in this one, happy to do that. Wish I could write about Jack more, I love that goofball.
Amy's POV
I look at Nola as she is intensely staring at the door. I ask her what she's staring at and she just lets out a huff, keeping her focus on the door. I walk away from her and step into the bathroom. I lay out my work uniform, for the Bureau, and begin to change. I unwrap the towel that I wrapped around my body after I showered. I set it to the side for a moment and get dressed, putting on my underwear and bra. I tug on my pants and slip my shirt over my head. I wrap my belt around my waist and then flatten out any wrinkles that formed in the fabric. I reach out to the towel on my head and take it off, my damp hair falling down out of the bun. I get the hairdryer from under the sink and plug it in, starting to blow dry my hair. After a few minutes, I felt warm and my hair was dry. I brush it out and fix it up to look nice. I leave the bathroom and now Nola's standing in front of the door, softly growling. I was about to ask her what she was so concerned about when there was a knock at the door. Nola, my usually sweet golden retriever, barks loudly at the door. I gently nudged her out of the way, grabbed the doorknob, and then opened the door. It swings open to reveal... Duncan Young?! What?! How did he find me?! How did he get out of jail?! He smiles at me and invites himself into my room, shutting the door behind him. Nola growls at him, guarding me. It's been a year since I've last seen him and I want nothing to do with him.
"Hello Amy, it's nice to see you!" Duncan says, flashing me his charming smile.
"What the heck are you doing here? You shouldn't be here! You... you are supposed to be in prison." I question.
"I got out as you can see. I got out all legally of course." He says.
"H-How?" I tremble.
"I got parole. You see, I was receiving psychological help and was given positive results and that I was improving. Also, I had good behavior in prison, had a retrial and was offered parole for it. I snuck away from my parole officer too, just so I could see your beautiful face." Duncan explains.
I tried to hide the blush that was creeping up on my cheeks, but failed.
"Well, that's good for you Duncan but I want nothing to do with you." I reply.
"Oh, I know that's a lie. Your cheeks are pink! You are blushing so hard right now!" He teases.
"Shut up Duncan! You should not be in here, how the hell did you get up here in the rooms of the Bureau Headquarters?!" I retort, trying to hide the blush even more.
"I snuck past that guy in the hallway and he didn't seem bothered by my presence at all. Besides, you are the only person who knows that I'm out on parole. I told the officer to tell no one that I was out. I hate my family so I don't want them to know. Especially sweet little Amy that everyone loves! But that's besides the point. I came here to look for you." Duncan continues to explain, ranting on.
"Why are you coming here to look for me? Why are you doing this?" I query, confused and starting to feel a bit scared.
"Amy, can't you see it?- Duncan steps over to me, coming very close, and reaches out a hand to caress my cheek -I know that you see it, you certainly feel it. I love you Amy, and I wanted to see you again."
I freeze in place, fearfully and flustered at his touch. Nola comes between us, weaseling her way to sit on Duncan's feet. The two of us actually had a relationship in White Peaks prior to finding out that he was the Night Walker, but the love sort of died a little when that happened. It... is still there but I'm trying to resist it.

Criminal Case Oneshots
RandomHere is a book about CriminalCase oneshots. I'll probably update on weekends. I will take requests and tend to write whatever comes to mind. Enjoy! -MysticalCatlord If you'd like to request a oneshot, come to my inbox! Please have a title, prompt a...