Young Love, Young Manipulation

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A Oneshot for deathgod_take_me

Amy's POV

I shiver as I grab my coat. I put it on and grip the zipper of my coat. I zipped it up tightly. It's so cold here in White Peaks, Pacific Bay. I only have to be out here for a few more minutes. It really did not have to snow last night. There is already enough snow out here! I work with the Pacific Bay Police Department and we've just moved from the Jazz Town district to the White Peaks district. The only big change that's come from moving districts is that there was a big change in weather. I was currently, however, walking my dog. My sweet golden retriever, Nola, didn't seem bothered by the cold or the snow at all. In fact, she didn't have a care in the world. My sweet girl was wagging her tail and continuing our normal walk as peppy as ever. I think she even likes the snow. If we come to a big pile of it on the sidewalk, she would come over to sniff at it, curiously. Her little round snoot, which is normally black, is now covered in white powdery snow. We walk for a few more minutes and then decide to head back. I've got to get ready for work anyway. We walk back home and Nola whines as we walk through the front door of our small apartment. She hates it when walks or outside time is over. Once I unhook her from her leash though, she was as happy as ever. Nola barks a gleeful 'Woof!' and licks my hand as I pet her. She eventually wanders off into the kitchen and I announce that I would be heading upstairs to get ready for work. I received another energetic 'Woof!' and I laughed to myself as I headed upstairs.

I walked over to my bedroom and walked over to my closet. I grabbed a t-shirt, bra, new underwear, socks, and some jeans for pants. I've got to shower and clean up. I carried my clothes to the bathroom, resting them on the counter. I turn on the shower and make sure that it was set on warm. Then I undressed. I slip off my leggings and my sports bra. I take off my underwear and socks, tossing my dirty clothes into the hamper. I open the shower curtain for a few seconds and then hop in the shower. Ah, that water feels good. I grabbed a rag and a bar of soap. I lathered the rag with the soap and when I was finished, I began to wash my body in the rays of the hot water. I washed my body and then once that was done, I spun around in the water to get my hair wet. I hummed as I rubbed shampoo and conditioner in my hair. I ran my hands through my long brown hair, making sure that I rubbed it in well enough. I turned around and the water pelted my back. I sit up and wash the products out of my hair. I wish I could stay in here longer and be in the nice warm water, but I can't. I need to get out, dry off, and get dressed.

I sigh as I turn off the shower. The water stopped coming and a rush of cold air entered the shower. Ugh, I hate the cold. I stepped out and grabbed a towel. I wrapped the towel around myself and dried off. I dried my hair off too with a hairdryer. Ah, the warm air felt sweet. Once I was completely dry, I got dressed. First, I put on my undergarments. Second, I put on my socks. Lastly, I put on my t-shirt and pants. I continued to get ready after I was dressed. I grabbed a toothbrush and then spread some toothpaste on it. I brushed my teeth and made sure that my pearly whites were well, pearly white again. I then grabbed a hairbrush, brushing out my long brown hair. I brush out my bangs as well. I slab on some deodorant and then decided to not put some makeup on. Okay, I think I'm done with my morning routine. All I'd need to do before I leave is to make sure that Nola's bowls are filled up, put her outside, and then make myself breakfast.

I grabbed my bag and then grabbed my phone. I tucked my phone and other necessities into my bag. I grabbed my holster and gun, attaching them to my hip. I walk downstairs with my bag slung across my shoulder. I went over to the kitchen. Nola noticed me and woofed. She bounced over and nuzzled her head against my legs. I petted her head and then grabbed her collar. I put her out on the heated patio. I told her that I would be home after work. She should be fine out here. I filled up her outside food bowl and water bowl. I then fill up her inside food and water bowls. I walk over to the fridge and grab the carton of eggs. I grab a pan and turn on the stovetop. After the stovetop heated up, I placed the pan on it and cracked two eggs over the pan. I put a slice of toast in the toaster, and also got a plate. I prepared my eggs sunny side up and took the slice of golden brown piece of toast. I put the two eggs on top of the slice of toast, turned the stovetop of the oven off, grabbed a fork and a knife, and then sat down to eat.

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